Chapter 6- You've got mail.

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***Hey guys! So here is chapter 6, I know I JUST posted an A/N a few minutes ago, but I'm on a roll today! Can we get this story to 100 reads?? Anyway...I'm gonna squeeze in this chapter before FTLOM comes on...I swear it's the only reason I like Mondays now. Enjoy, Hayniacs!***


Kristen's POV-1 week later-day before concert

     I wake up, and roll, literally, out of bed. Last night I didn't get much sleep, and I have to go to work this morning and work 2 shifts at the bookstore today. Trudging into the bathroom, I brush my teeth and do my hair and makeup, all while blasting Pandora, the Hunter Hayes station of course. After I get done, I get dressed in a t-shirt and nice jeans, with some black TOMS. As I'm driving down my driveway, I stop and get my mail. Bills, bills, late birthday card, bills, letter from Hunter Hayes. I think to myself. Wait...LETTER FROM HUNTER HAYES?! I toss the other mail aside and just look at what was in my hands. Debating on whether or not I should open it, I ponder over the thought for a moment. It could be fake, but even if it was, I would just throw it away. Deciding to open the envelope, I tear it open.  I stare in disbelief at what was inside- 2 tickets and Coffee House passes to tomorrow night's show! There was also a note, it was from Hunter.

Hi Kristen, I don't know if you remember, but we met a few weeks ago when you performed at Disney land. I just sent you these, because I have some stuff I wanna talk to you about. Don't worry, you're not in trouble. Please, if you don't have plans already, come to the show. I hope to see you there!



     Oh. My. Gosh. This isn't happening. Hunter freaking Hayes just wrote me a note, saying he wants to meet and talk to me. How does he know my address?? Or remember my name? Weird. I call Natalie, my co-worker, and tell her that I can't work today, because I'm sick. I know it's a lie, but I can't focus on work when this just happened. She said I could take the next two days off, and that she hopes I get better. I thank her and hang up, immediately calling Beth.

     "BETH. GUESS WHAT??" I yell into the phone. She laughs. "What, Kristen?" She asks. "HUNTER HAYES JUST SENT ME A LETTER AND TICKETS TO HIS SHOW TOMORROW." I scream, fangirling like a mad woman. "He did not!" She exclaims. "Get your butt over here, we have planning to do, outfits to buy, THERE'S SO MUCH TO BE DONE!" I yell, then hang up. I turn on "Encore" and dance around my apartment, going crazy. About 20 minutes later, Beth arrives. "It's open!" I call. She opens the door and walks in, almost as excited as me.

     "This is not happening! Kris, WE NEED TO GO. This could be your ticket to fame, and he sounds like he really wants you to go." She said, plopping down on the couch. "I know, we are definitely going! And I don't want it for the fame, that would make me seem shallow. But yeah, it's kinda weird. I mean I'm just some random fan. We should go to the mall, I need an outfit." I suggest. Beth nods, and we drive to the mall, blasting Hunter's music the whole way there.

3 hours later-the girls are back at Kristen's apartment. Still Kristen's POV

     "That was so fun!" I exclaim, opening the door to my apartment room. "I know, right?! That guy's face was priceless."  Beth commented. While at the mall, one of Hunter's songs came on, and we started dancing like crazy in the mall, in front of everyone. This one guy even had his phone out, recording it. It was hilarious. "Your outfit is amazing, Hunter will love it!" Beth says, commenting on what I picked out. I chose a pair of white skinny jeans, with a Red top that says 'I love country boys', and for shoes, black cowboy boots. Beth picked a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, and for her shirt, she's wearing her Hunter Hayes tour shirt, with Black TOMS. I say we did a pretty good job with the outfits.

     It's close to 9pm, so Beth decides to spend the night at my place for tonight. "I can't wait till tomorrow, I can't believe he sent you a letter!" Beth said, crawling into my guest room bed. "I know, I wonder what will happen." I comment, getting into my own bed. We eventually drifted off to sleep, and I had sweet dreams about Hunter.

The next day-2 hours before the show-Hunter's POV-sorry for time skip!

     I'm a nervous wreck. I told Kristen to be here about 2 hours before the show, she should be here any minute. "Hunter. Dude. Calm down, she'll get here soon. Quit freaking out." Matt said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I know, but I can't help being nervous." I say, looking at him. He sighs, and walks off, leaving me alone again.  I wait for a few more minutes, but she never came. It's now 30 minutes to showtime, and still no Kristen. She stood me up. I should've known she wouldn't come. I sigh, sad and frustrated, and get ready for the show. So much for meeting her.

Kristen's POV

      We're driving to the show, already late because there was a long line at McDonald's. We wanted dinner, and that was the closest place. As we're talking, I was looking at Beth, instead of at the road, when Beth screams. "KRISTEN, LOOK OUT!" I didn't have time to 'look out', all I saw was a huge, 18 wheeler charging towards us, and he couldn't stop. I'm so sorry, Hunter. I think, as glass shatters, and I hear a loud crash.

Everything went black.

***I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE LAST NIGHT!!! Anyway.......cliffhanger!!!! I will update later, stay tuned, Hayniacs! Oh and thank you guys so much for getting this fanfic over 100 reads! That is amhayesing! ***

love yall! <3


That Girl On Youtube- A Hunter Hayes Fanfic (Currently editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن