Chapter 16- Remember

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***I'M BACK! I missed yalll ;) Ok so quick little fangirling session.......I SAW ''THIS IS US'' THIS WEEKEND AND I KID YOU NOT I WAS CRYING THE WHOLE TIME. IT WAS SO PERFECT. I'm going to see it again tomorrow night! YAY I GET TO SEE MY BOYS AGAIN :D And Hunter is finally back home here in the US! Woo! :D Plus.......I have Monday off from school, so I might MIGHT update then..possibly. If I have time I will try too, but I'm not promising anything. Keep an eye out! Here is chapter 16, Hayniacs! Enjoy! :)***


Hunter was in a wreck, has a few broken bones and lost a bit of blood. He is still alive, but he doesn't remember Kristen.

Kristen's POV

     My jaw drops, and my face goes white. "Hunter, come on, stop playing. This isn't a joke." I say, hoping he was just messing with me, and that he still remembers me. He gives me a confused look. "I'm sorry, um..?" He asks, wanting to know my name. "Kristen." I say. "Right. I'm sorry, Kristen, whoever you are, but I honestly don't remember you. Not at all. I wish I did, though, I feel awful now." He says, looking at me sadly. His eyes were searching my face, trying to find anything that looked familiar from me.

      He really doesn't remember who I am. He forgot. Everything. The relationship, how he found me on Youtube, everything that had to do with me. I know it's not his fault that he lost his memory, but part of me can't help being slightly ticked at him. I mean we were a couple! But like I said, he couldn't help it, so I'll just have to get over it. I wonder how much memory he lost, if it was his entire life, or just a few months. I decide to ask him if he remembers anything at all.

    "Hunter," I start. He looks up at me, his eyes are no longer the beautiful, sparkling blue that they usually are. Instead, a dull, greyish color has taken it's place, and that only happened when he was upset about something. "Do you remember anything? Your music career? Your fans? Anything at all?" I ask, hoping he at least remembers his fans and career, they would be lost without him, they all love him so much. "Yeah, I remember most of my career. The doctors told me that I should be able to remember things that have been in my life since I was pretty young, but anything that has happened in the past month or so I can't remember at all." He explains.

     I try my hardest not to cry, but I just can't help it. The tears start flowing nonstop, and when I say nonstop, I mean it. Hunter just looks at me, unsure of what to do. "I really wish I could remember. I hate causing people pain, and from the looks of it, I take it that we were pretty close, am I right?" He asks, taking my hand. I feel the same sparks I always felt when he hold my hand, but I know he doesn't feel it. You can't be in love with someone you don't know. "Yeah. Really close, actually." I say, wiping some of my tears. "Define 'really close'." He said, looking at me.

     "We.....we were in a relationship. Dating. Boyfriend and girlfriend. We had started dating for about a month." I explained to him, hoping it would jog his memory, but knowing that there was nothing I could do. His eyes dropped to the ground, and he didn't speak for a minute or so.

     "Kristen....I am so sorry. Now I understand why you were so upset, and I honestly have tried my hardest to remember. I just can't."  He says, frowning. I just nod, letting the tears flow once again. Hunter wipes a tear from my cheek. "I'm sorry.." He whispers, looking at me. "Don't be. You can't help it. I have to go, please try to remember." I say, getting up. "Wait!" He calls, as I'm walking out the door to go home. "Can I at least get a hug?" He asks, with puppy dog eyes. I can never resist his hugs, so I run into his arms, careful not to bump his broken wrist.

      "Goodbye, Hunter." I say, forcing a smile through my tears. "Goodbye, Kristen." He says, sitting back on his hospital bed. I turn my back, and walk out of the hospital, knowing that if I turned around I would run back to Hunter and just make this worse for myself. As I drive home, I debate on listening to the radio, they usually play Hunter's music. Deciding it's not the best idea right now, I drive in silence. Nicole already went home, knowing I would want to be alone with Hunter, and that I would need a shoulder to cry on tonight.

      ***Hope you guys liked this chapter!! Oh and also---Thank yall SO MUCH for getting TGOY 1.1k reads! That is amHAYESing! I love yall, and I'll see you next weekend or possibly Monday for a new chapter! :)***


That Girl On Youtube- A Hunter Hayes Fanfic (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now