Yet another Author's Update...please give feedback!!!

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Hey Hayniacs! Sorry this isn't a new chapter, but I just need yall to give me some feedback on something, if you don't mind. I've been thinking about starting a new fanfiction/story, but I don't know what it should be about. I don't really want to do another 1D story, seeing as my other one (3MIAL) didn't really go as I had expected. Should I start a new Hunter fanfic? (I will continue TGOY, don't worry!) Or should I make a new story that isn't fanfic? I need some feedback, I don't want to write something that you guys wouldn't enjoy reading! I always try to make my work as best as it can be for yall, I never want to disappoint you!

Also- I just made a SoundCloud account! If you don't know what SoundCloud is, it's basically a website where people can post recordings of their original songs, or of a cover of a song they like. It's really cool! I'm gonna be posting covers of songs on there, so if you want to check them out you can! My username for Soundcloud is musiclover313. Musiclover312 was already taken, so I just replaced the 2 with a 3 haha.

Thanks for everything, see you guys soon! :)


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