Chapter 45(part one)- Grammys!!!

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***Hey guys! So if you saw my status update, you would know that I've been thinking of some ideas for future chapters! Like I've said in the past few chapters, this story will come to an end soon, most likely in the next one-three chapters. But there will be a sequel! Most of my ideas I came up with are for the sequel though, so you guys will have to wait a while. ;) Anyways, here is chapter 45! Enjoy, my fluff-puffs! (Yes, I called you a fluff puff. Deal with it. :P)

Kristen's POV- 1 week later

       The Grammys are tonight, and to be honest, I'm nervous! I know what you're thinking-'Why are you nervous? You're not performing!' yes, I know I'm not performing, but this is the biggest awards show I've attended! The Grammys are way bigger than the CMT'S! Today I'm basically going to have nothing to do until around 3pm, which is we have to start getting ready for the show. Seeing as it's only noon, I decide to text Hunter and see if he wants to get lunch somewhere.

Hey! You wanna grab lunch? :)

     He answered about three minutes later.

Hi, and sure! Pick u up in 10 minutes?

      I answered him back, saying that was fine. Realizing I have no makeup on and I'm still in my pajama's, I rush to my bathroom to try and make myself look decent. Grabbing my skinny jeans and a Navy Blue shirt that says 'Cowgirl Tough' on it in white and pink writing. Walking back into my bathroom, I apply minimal makeup and put my hair up into a ponytail, making sure to leave my bangs down. I look really weird if I pin them back with the rest of my hair. As I'm slipping my black converse on, I hear a knock at my door, signaling that Hunter was here. "One second!" I called from inside. I grabbed my phone and purse, and opened the door to see him smiling back at me. "Hello, beautiful." he said, before softly kissing me on the lips. "Hey, handsome." I reply in return. He laughs, and takes my hand, leading us out to his car as I slip my jacket on.

      Once we were both in the car and buckled up, he started the engine and I turned on the radio. "Where to, Kris? We can go anywhere you like." he said, as he pulled out of my driveway. I pondered over the thought for a moment. "Does Applebee's sound good?" I ask, looking at him. "Sounds perfect! I haven't been there in a while."  he replies happily. We drive in silence for a few minutes, until Hunter randomly turns up the radio really loud. "Hunter! Why so loud?" I ask, giving him a confused look. "Shh! Listen!" he exclaimed, his face lighting up. I listen for a moment, until I realize that it's MY SONG that's playing on the radio right now. My song!

        I look over at Hunter with a huge smile on my face. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe it!!!!" I exclaim happily, beside myself with delight. He took my hand in his and kissed it, smiling. "I'm so proud of you baby! This is incredible!" he said, as we pulled into the Applebee's parking lot. We sat in the car until the song finished, I was belting out the lyrics at the top of my lungs. Once the song finished, we stepped out of the car, and Hunter wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked inside.

        Twenty minutes later, our food came, and we thanked the waiter. "So, are you excited for tonight?" he asked me, as he took a bite of his burger. "Yes! But I'm a little nervous, though. It's the biggest award show I've been to yet! I can't even imagine how you must feel, you're nominated!" I exclaim, sipping on my sweet tea. He looked me dead in the eye and smiled. "You have nothing to be nervous about. I'm going to be right next to you the whole time, don't worry. Plus, you might meet some of your favorite celebrities!" he exclaimed, nudging my foot with his from under the table. I nodded. "Isn't Keith Urban nominated?" I ask, taking a bite of my pasta.

      He nodded, taking another bite of his burger. "Who knows, maybe you'll get to meet him." he said with a wink. I chuckled. "Maybe. I'm pretty sure if I did meet him I'd be too star struck to talk." I said, laughing at my own awkwardness. Hunter chuckled, smiling. "He's no one to be nervous around, he's a nice guy. If he's there and has a minute, I'll go with you to meet him." he promised. "Really? Okay!" I reply, excited to possibly meet one of my favorite singers. The bill for our food comes, and Hunter pays without even letting me see how much it was. Stubborn boy. "Hunter, it's almost three. We should probably start heading back. Tori wanted everyone at her house to get ready, like we did for the CMT'S." I explain, checking the time on my phone.

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