Chapter 36- I love you but you're an awful Chef

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***Hi guys! First off- thank yall SO MUCH for getting this story to almost 8k reads!! You guys are awesome:) So since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and I probably won't feel like writing tomorrow, I'm gonna try to make this a really good chapter lol. My mom is cooking some of the Thanksgiving food for tomorrow to take to eat with the rest of the family tomorrow and it smells amazing! Anyway, here is chapter 36, Hayniacs!***

Kristen's POV- the next day

I'm honestly so happy that Hunter and I are back together, it's nice to have him back in my life. Speaking of Hunter, he said that he and the band are off all this week for Thanksgiving, so Hunter and I decided that all of us would have our own little Thanksgiving tomorrow! But the one thing I don't like about that, is that Hunter and I are in charge of cooking all of the food. And let's not forget that we have to have enough food for six grown men by the names of Hunter, Sam, Matt, Steve, Devo, and Andy, plus myself. I don't eat nearly as much food as they do, though. I've seen Matt devour a whole pizza in about seven minutes. So you could say we have a lot of food to make in one day!

Hunter knocks on my door, signaling he's here to pick me up so we can go to the store and get ingredients for everything. "Coming!" I yell, grabbing my phone and purse as I walk to the door. Opening the door, Hunter smiles warmly at me, before giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Ready to go spend all of our money on food?" He asks, laughing. "Yes! Come on!" I exclaim, tugging at his arm. I've always loved cooking, ever since I learned how to use a stove when I was thirteen I would always cook for my parents, even though most of the time everything ended up getting burnt. Hopefully things have changed since then!

Twenty minutes later, we arrive at my local grocery store. Hopping out of the car, I rush to Hunter's side, grabbing onto his arm for warmth. It's almost below freezing today, and since I don't have much common sense at the moment, I just threw on a light jacket, which is basically the equivalent of wearing nothing at all. "You're freezing, Kris! Don't you have a warmer jacket?" Hunter asks, chuckling. "Nope." I say, popping the 'p' at the end. He just laughs and pulls me closer to him, and I snuggle into his coat as best I can.

Once we're inside the store, I let go of Hunter and grab a shopping cart, we're gonna need it! "Okay, what's first?" Hunter asks, joining me by my side. "I would say let's get the turkey first. All you need to worry about is not getting mobbed by fans, Hayes." I say, chuckling. "Nah, I think as long as I'm not a member of One Direction I'm fine with the fans. I don't mind if we fun into a few." He says, smiling at the thought of meeting his fans. He's so grateful for them, he always tries to meet as many of them as possible. We walk over to where the turkeys are, and pick one out.

"Okay, now what?" I ask him. "Hm....oh! We need to get stuffing, and gravy, and sweet potatoes, and-" He starts rattling off the traditional Thanksgiving foods, but I cut him off. "Alright, alright slow down! We can get all of that, just one thing at a time, okay?" I ask, laughing. He just gets so excited over things like this, it's adorable. He nods his head and takes my hand, practically dragging me through the store.

Two hours and $350 worth of food later, we get back to my apartment to start cooking. Once we get all of the food inside, I look at Hunter. "Something's missing." I say. "What?" He asks, looking up. We stare at each other for a moment. "MUSIC!" We exclaim at the same time. You can't cook all day without music playing! "This is why I love you, Kris." He says, smiling as he wraps his strong arms around my waist, planting a quick kiss on my nose. Letting out a giggle, I return the favor by quickly kissing him on the lips. "Now, when you say music..." I start, pulling away from him. "Does that mean my music or yours?" I ask, a grin spreading on my face. "Are you going to blast One Direction's new album?" He asks, raising his eyebrows at me. "Yes." I state simply. I swear, their new album will be the death of me. It's perfect. "No you're not." He says, walking towards me. "Yes I am!" I retort to him. "Not without your phone you're not!" He says, snatching my phone from my hand.

"YOU GET BACK HERE HAYES. YOU DON'T TAKE MY ONE DIRECTION MUSIC AWAY FROM ME, YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER." I exclaim as he runs around the apartment with my phone. "But I just did!" He says, standing behind the couch. I stand on the other side of the couch, as we wait to see who starts running first. "You have to get it from me!" He says, giving me a cheeky grin. "Oh believe me, I will!" I say, walking towards him. Now we're standing face to face, staring at each other. It's completely silent. All of a sudden, Hunter starts running. "WHEN YOU'RE READY COME AND GET IT,. NA NA NA NA" He belts out the popular song by Selena Gomez, with me hot on his heels.

After a few minutes of chasing him, we end up back in the kitchen. He's standing in front of me, smirking down at me. "You want your phone? Reach up and grab it." He says, holding his arm up in the air, the phone in his hand. Sighing, I jump and try to grab it, only he raises his arm higher. After many failed attempts of jumping, I come up with an idea of how to get the phone back. Reaching my hand out to his side, I start tickling him. He chuckles and swats my hand away. "Nice try, but that doesn't work on me. But it works on you." He said, before tickling my side. I squeal and jump away. "Alright, you win. Here's your phone." He says, handing me my phone back. "It's about time you handed it over." I say, chuckling. "I just like annoying you." He says, grinning. I smirk, and turn on my music, and One Direction's beautiful voices begin to fill the room.

"Okay- how are we going to do this? What do we make first?" I ask, looking over all the food we bought. "Let's do the sweet potatoes! That seems easy." Hunter suggests. I agree. "So Hunter- you start putting the potatoes in the oven and in about thirty minutes we'll take them out. I have a recipe that my mom always used to make this really good sweet potato casserole. We can use that." I say, helping him put them in the oven. "Sounds good!" He exclaims, setting the timer on the oven.

"While those are cooking, let's go ahead and make some dessert! Get that out of the way." I offer, and Hunter happily agrees. "Oh! I think I remember an old recipe my Dad used to make for these really good cookies. Could we do that?" He asks excitedly. "Sure!" I say, smiling. We get the stuff to make the cookies, and start making the dough. Listening to the music, I hear Zayn it a really high note in the song that was playing. Going into fangirl mode, I start jumping around and screaming, nearly giving Hunter a heart attack. "Good Lord, Kristen, what's gotten into you?" He asks, startled. "Zayn....high note....beautiful...I can't even UGH it was so beautiful." I stuttered out, getting over my little episode. Hunter just laughs. "You are one crazy girl, you know that?" He asks playfully, throwing a chocolate chip at me. "I know." I say, throwing a handful of the chocolate chips back at him. "Oh, it's on!" He playfully glares at me, before tossing a handful of flour at me, getting the white powder all over my face and hair. He did not just do that.... Grabbing an egg, I throw it at him, watching it crack on top of his head.

"You little devil." He says, laughing. He takes a step forward, but he slipped on some of the egg that landed on the floor, so he fell onto his backside. I burst out laughing. "YOUR FACE!" I exclaim, laughing hard. All of a sudden, we hear a loud, screeching noise. "The smoke alarm!" I exclaim, running to the oven. Throwing the door open, a cloud of smoke smacks me in the face, causing me to start coughing uncontrollably. "Kristen, are you okay?!" Hunter says, rushing to my side. He pulls me away from the oven and pulls the potatoes out, fanning the rest of the smoke away. Once my coughing fit is over, I walk back over to Hunter. "Are you okay?" He asks, concern in his eyes. "I think I'm fine. Looks like we're not gonna have sweet potatoes though, they burned pretty bad." I say, chuckling. "It's fine. Come on, let's clean the kitchen up a bit and finish cooking everything." He says, wiping some of the flour from my face.

"Hunter, I love you, but we're pretty bad cooks." I say, laughing as I clean the rest of the flour off of my face. "We may be bad cooks, but we can be bad cooks together." He says, before planting a sweet kiss on my lips.

***Aww that was cute. Hope yall liked this chapter! I will see you soon, my lovely readers! :)***

Question- What are you guys thankful for this Thanksgiving?

I'm thankful for Hunter, the 1D boys, my family/friends, and you guys! :)


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