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Hi guys! Sorry this isn't an update, but it's a VERY important author's note! As you all know, TGOY is coming to an end. The next chapter (Ch. 45 part 2) will be the final chapter of the story. But don't worry- there will be a sequel to this story! I have some really good ideas for the sequel, I can't wait for you guys to read them! I just want to say a few things to  you guys, since this story is coming to its end.

      I started this story back in August, right before summer break ended. I had been writing my Louis Tomlinson fanfiction, and I wasn't very satisfied with it, so I decided to write a fanfic about Hunter. It took me quite a while to think of a good, original idea for the story, but eventually the whole 'Youtube' idea came about, and I just went from there. When I posted the first few chapters, no one really knew about the story yet, but after a few weeks, reads started coming in. People started voting, commenting and such.

      I remember I got so excited when the story got 10 reads. 10 soon turned into 100, and so on. You guys have stuck with me throughout this whole story, and some of you might have been following me when I was writing my 1D fanfic. (If you've been around that long, you've definitely put up with me for a long time! ;).)  I never imagined that this story would get as much attention as it has, and it's all because of ya'll! You guys comment and send me messages, and you have no idea how happy I get when ya'll say you enjoy the story! If you've sent me a comment, or message, I apologize for not responding to you! I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just not allowed to answer people I don't know on the internet.

       I honestly cannot thank you enough, every one of you. You guys are so sweet, and you show myself and the story so much support and love. Writing this story over the past five months has really been a journey for me, as well as a learning experience. I always look forward to updating on the weekends! I feel like I'm making this sadder than it needs to be.....oh well. And to my friends here on Wattpad- (you know who you are!) You guys have helped me so much with this story, from giving me ideas for chapters, constructive criticism, and other helpful stuff! Who knew we would spend study hall in pe talking about fanfiction? ;) You girls are some of my closest friends, and I love ya'll!

                                          ~~~Sequel Details!~~~

    Okay, I'm going to be honest. I have no idea what I'm going to do with this sequel. I know, I know, I should have some stuff planned out, right? Well if you've learned anything about me from my little author's notes, you will know that I don't usually 'plan' what happens in my stories. I just have a ton of ideas saved into the "Notes" section on my iPhone. Very productive. Not.

      It will most likely be a while before I start posting the sequel, I don't even have a name picked out yet! I don't know if it's going to be quite as long as this story, it might or it might not. It just depends on how I space everything out. I would give you guys a little sneak peek, but I wouldn't want to give anything away! But I can tell ya'll something- there will be LOTS of big, exciting things going on in the sequel!!! I'm so excited!

     Also- do you remember when I said quite a few chapters ago, how I was going to go back and edit/revise some chapters of this story, since I felt they could be better written? I haven't really had the chance to do much editing since I've been so caught up in other stuff, but I will still be editing chapters after this story ends! The storyline won't change, I'll just be cleaning some stuff up to make it better written.

      I might also start a TOTALLY NEW Hunter fanfic once I get the sequel started! I don't know if I'm going to or not, but I want to! If you would like me to start a new fanfic once the sequel is started, PLEASE let me know!

That is all, my lovelies! I love you guys so much, and I will see you next weekend for the final chapter! *wipes tear* Is it me, or is this author's note bittersweet? Like I'm sad the story is ending, but the sequel is gonna be fun to write! And it's not like you'll never hear from me again! I'll always be on Wattpad! Seriously. This place is addicting. So. Much. Amhayesing. Fanfiction.

Goodbye, my little Hayniac readers! I love ya'll like Hunter loves coffee! See you soon, and more sequel details/new H fanfic details will be coming soon! Keep an eye out for those!


-musiclover312 xo :)


That Girl On Youtube- A Hunter Hayes Fanfic (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now