Chapter 1-Discover Me?

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***Hey guys! Here is the first chapter of TGOY! Just a heads up, I'm usually not very good with first chapters, so please bear with me. It gets more interesting soon, I promise!***


     I was walking around my local park, a cool summer breeze blew through my hair. I could hear children laughing and playing on the playground, just around the corner. People were walking their dogs on some trails around the park, some were fishing on the lake. As I was walking around, enjoying the peace and quiet of the park, I spot a couple sitting on a bench. The girl had long, bleach blonde hair, and was wearing barely any clothing. The guy had shaggy, brown hair that hung just above his eyebrows. He had his arms around the girl, hugging her close. I looked closer at them, and saw that they were kissing. And it wasn't your average, two or three second kiss. No, they were making out.

     I was walking past them, when I stopped in my tracks. Looking at the guy, I realized that he was no stranger to me. In fact, I had been with him last night. He and I were watching a movie at the local movie theater downtown. How do i know him, you ask? He's my boyfriend, soon to be ex-boyfriend.

     "Chad?" I half yell, making the two of them jump. The girl eyed me with hatred. "K-Kristen? Oh, what a surprise!" he exclaims, his voice stuttering from the fact that I had caught him in the act. I wasn't about to make small talk with him. "What's going on? Why were you kissing her?" I demand, getting angry. He just stared at me, wide eyed. "I uh, um, I don't know?" he answered, as if it was a question. I scoffed.

     "Well, I do. You cheated on me, Chad. That's what you did. Now, I'm not gonna stand here and lecture you, screaming at you about what you did. But I will say this- I honestly loved you. You were the reason I smiled, laughed. I trusted you with my heart, and what do you do? You shattered it. I thought you were better than that, Chad. I really did. And you would think after over a year of dating you, you would think that I could trust you with my heart. But obviously I wasn't good enough for you.I hope you're happy with what you've done. And one more thing, don't try to come back to me. I'm not going to fall for your stupid excuses anymore."  I say, storming off. Tears were spilling now, and all I want to do is go home. I hop into my black Mustang, start the engine, and drive back to my apartment, sobbing. If he's smart, he'll realize that there will be songs written about him. I thought as I started the thirty minute drive home, trying my best to blink back the continuous flow of hot tears.


     Call me a Taylor Swift wannabe, but yes, I write songs about pretty much every relationship, good or bad. And if it's a bad one, like this, well, the boy will be in for a treat.

     My name is Kristen Johnson, and I write music, particularly about love and relationships. I'm twenty years old, and I live in Richmond, Virginia. I'm an only child, and music is my life. I've been playing guitar since I was thirteen, and I've been singing since I was ten. And when my first break up came around, the first thing I did was grab my guitar. So, I guess you can say I'm a bit addicted to music. It's my life, and the only thing I want to do for a living is make music. I want to see my name in lights, to perform in front of sold out crowds, to hear people singing my songs back to me from the front row of a concert as I look out into the audience.

     Every time I write a break up song about a boy, I don't put his name directly into the song. But I do find a way to get the song to him, and I've gone about that many different ways. From posting it on his Facebook page, to calling him and singing it over the phone, even singing it in front of his school. But my plan was, whenever I got the song to the boy, I would be discovered. Musically, of course. I wanted someone to find my music, love what I write, and possibly sign me to a record label. Every time, I was turned down, sometimes not even noticed at all. But this time, this time, I am going to get discovered. My plan for it? Youtube.

That Girl On Youtube- A Hunter Hayes Fanfic (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now