Chapter 19- Easier Said Than Done

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***Hey guys! So I know I normally don't update two days in a row like this, but I'm home sick today and was in the mood to write for yall. Can I just say---ya'll are some dedicated readers! I mean it's been not even two days and the last chapter of this story has almost 30 reads. Wow! Thanks! Anyway, here is chapter 19, Hayniacs! Enjoy! :)***

Kristen's POV-three days later- sorry for the time skip!

Jacob and I went to see "This Is Us" last night. And yes, I drug him along to sit there in a movie theatre and listen to a bunch of teenage girls scream and cry for two hours. I have to admit, I didn't think I could love One Direction anymore than I already did, but that movie proved me wrong. And I have come to the conclusion- I am most definitely a Louis girl. He just has that effect on me.

I make my way out of bed and into my bathroom to get ready for the day, not that I have anything planned. Straightening my long, dark, brown hair, I turn on Pandora to listen to some music. I'm always looking for new music to buy, so Pandora is a good source for that. Blasting Taylor Swift, I put on my makeup, nothing too dramatic. Just some foundation, and a bit of navy blue eyeliner and a clear lip gloss. Walking into my closet, I decide to wear my best pair of skinny jeans, paired with a 'Rock-n-Roll' t-shirt. Lastly, I slip on my navy blue flats, and I'm set to go. Not to dramatic, but still cute.

I decide to make a Starbucks run, but to a different Starbucks than the one Jacob works at, I saw him last night, and to be honest, I'm starting to miss Hunter. The more I miss Hunter, the more annoying Jacob seems to get. I know that's harsh, but it's the truth. Driving downtown, blasting Pandora once again, I arrive at Starbucks a few minutes later.

As I walk in and order, I look around for an empty seat to take when my drink is ready. Hearing a familiar voice, I turn around to see Hunter and some blonde chick sitting together, laughing. It takes everything in me to not go up to them and explain everything to Hunter. But I don't. I just look at them, wishing the girl would just get up and leave so I could talk to Hunter. The girl catches me looking, and sends a death glare my way. Hunter turns around and sees me. He doesn't smile, he just excuses himself from the girl and heads my way. "Hunter!" I call after him, but he doesn't turn around. He just keeps walking.

"Hunter!" I call again, walking to catch up with him. "What do you want?" He snaps, finally turn around, after me chasing him halfway across the parking lot. His eyes weren't that crystal blue that they usually are, they were a cloudy gray, they were only that color when he was upset, meaning this probably won't end well for me. I don't know what to say, so I just kinda stand there, looking at him. "Well?" He replies, softer now, but still in a stern tone.

"I don't know, I just wanted to talk to you..." I mumble quietly. "What is there to say, Kristen? You obviously don't want me anymore, so why should I want you? Matt wasn't kidding when he said I remember you. I remember everything. I was hoping to start over with you, but no, you've changed your mind. So I've changed mine, and I've decided that I don't need someone that is shallow to the point that they don't want me anymore just because I lost my memory. I thought you were better than that. So goodbye, Kristen. And don't worry, there won't be songs written about you. At least I have enough respect for you to not humiliate you to the whole world." He snapped, walking away again.

The tears were forming, and I couldn't stop them. He had never acted like that towards me, even when he was upset. I realize now that I must've really hurt him. But it doesn't look like I can do much about it, now.

Hunter's POV

I have no idea what came out of my mouth when I was talking to Kristen. I certainly didn't mean it, it's just that I don't think when I'm angry. Everything just comes out, whether I really mean it or not. I could tell she was going to start crying, so I just walked away, knowing that if I turned around, I would run back and comfort her. I hated seeing her cry, and I was making her cry, which made it worse on my part. She probably hates me now, and she has a good reason too. I just hop in my car and head back to the hotel we're staying at.

Ten minutes later, I'm back in my hotel room, feeling like I want to scream.

Moving on is easier said than done.

***Hope yall enjoyed this chapter! I might, MIGHT update again later today, but I'm not promising anything. If I don't, I'll update like I normally do on the weekend. See yall soon! Can we get TGOY to 2k one day? I hope so!***

-ML312 I love yall! :)

That Girl On Youtube- A Hunter Hayes Fanfic (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now