Chapter 13- Find Myself In A Song

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***I'm baccckkk!! The first week of school was pretty good, even though I got ran over by a few high school students a few times...rude. ANYHAYES, I missed yall! I don't think I will have much homework this year, so I might, MIGHT  update twice a week, depending on how much school stuff I have to do, but I'm not promising anything. Soooo.....OMH GUYS MY HUNTER JACKET CAME IN YAY. Go to Hunter's website and go on the store, find "Hunter's Letterman Jacket". That's the jacket I just got, I LOVE IT it's so warm! Ohhh and THANK YALL SO MUCH for getting this story almost 700 reads! Woo! Yall are awesome! :D Here is chapter 13, Hayniacs!***

Kristen's POV- the next morning- 9:30am

     "BUT I DON'T WANT GOOD AND I DON'T WANT GOOD ENOU-" I slam my hand down on my phone, yawning. Who in their right mind would be calling me at this early hour? I'm not a morning person, if you can't already tell. I grunt, and answer my phone. "Hello?" I question. "Morning, Kristen! I hope I didn't wake you up." I hear Hunter say on the other line. "Oh no, I've been up for hours, Hunter. Really, you should've called earlier!" I say, jokingly. He laughs. "Huh. Maybe tomorrow I'll call you an hour earlier. Anyway, I'm about ten minutes from your apartment, what do you say you go get ready and I'll pick you up and we can get breakfast?" He asks hopefully.

     He's gotten into this routine of calling me every morning, offering to bring me Starbucks and Chick Fil A for breakfast, and things of that nature. It's a bit odd, considering there is a Starbucks in the lobby, complete with a little breakfast bar right across from it, but I know he's just being sweet. "Yeah, sounds great. See you in a few! Love you, Hunt!" I exclaim, smiling. "Okay, love you too!" He says, then hangs up. Even when it's this early, and I'm a cranky morning person, he always seems to make me smile.

      I pick out my outfit, which is nothing more than my favorite pair of jeans, and a blue tank top, with my white Areopastale' jacket, and some black flats. Simple, yet effective. (A/N-that was a One Direction reference, if you got it, you're awesome!) I quickly straighten my long hair, and put on a bit of foundation, setting it with powder, and applying a bit of eyeliner, finishing it off with mascara and clear lip gloss. Again, simple yet effective. That's kinda my new 'thing' to say, now. I don't know why, I just like saying it. Grabbing my phone and purse, I hear a knock at my door.

    "Guess who!" They call from outside. "Hm, I wonder who that could be..." I call jokingly. He is too cute. I open the door, and am greeted by a smiling Hunter, complete with my favorite Starbucks order, and a big hug. But he's mine, ladies. Sorry not sorry. "Morning, beautiful." He says, when we pulled out of the hug. "Morning, Hunt." I say back, smiling. This is another one of the many things Hunter has gotten into a routine of doing. Saying 'morning, beautiful' whenever he sees me in the mornings like this. "Thanks for the coffee, by the way." I say, taking a sip of my Caramel Latte'. "No problem. Besides, you're cranky when you haven't had your coffee in the morning." He jokes, laughing. "Oh hush." I tease back.

~2 hours later- 11:30am-still Kristen's POV

     "So..I hope you didn't have any plans for today." Hunter said as we were driving around downtown in his car. "Nope. Why?" I ask, curiously. "Well, you'll just have to find out when we get there." He said, winking at me. "Ugh. Hunter." I whine. "Kristen." He teases, drawing out my name as I did his. I playfully punch his shoulder. "You love me." He jokes. "Yep!" I say back. I turn on the radio to the country music station, and 'Somebody Like You' by Keith Urban comes on. "This is my jam!" I exclaim, turning up the volume. I start dancing in the passenger seat, probably earning myself a few odd looks from the cars near us. Hunter is probably mortified, because the top of his car is down, meaning everyone can see me perfectly. "What are you doing?" He asks, laughing. "Dancing." I reply simply. He just laughs again. He starts belting out the lyrics, and I somehow manage to harmonize to him. I must admit, it sounded pretty cool.

     Just then, we pulled into a parking lot. "We're here!" Hunter exclaims, hopping out of the car. He comes around to my side and opens the door for me, and I hop out. We walk hand in hand into an old building. "Hunter, where are we?" I ask, looking around. "Hold on." He says, leading us down a few hallways. We stop in front of a room. Hunter walks behind me and covers my eyes, leading me into the room. I hear him open another door, and lead me into another room, that feels a bit small and stuffy. "Open your eyes." He says, removing his hands from my eyes. I look around, it takes me a second to realize where we are.

     "A recording studio?! THANK YOU SO MUCH, HUNTER!" I yell, jumping onto him in a hug, causing him to almost fall over. "Aw, you're welcome! I knew you would love it!" He exclaims, pulling away. "What are you waiting for? Pick out a song from the music on your phone and get in there and sing!" He exclaims. I nod and pull out my phone, searching for the perfect song. Once I find one, I hand my phone to Hunter, and somehow he takes the vocals off the track, so it's completely instrumental. I go into the little recording booth that he led me into earlier, and put the headphones on, signaling him to start the music. I start singing.

Time slows down

Whenever you're around

Can you feel this magic in the air? It must've been the way you kissed me

Fell in love when I saw you standing there, today was a fairytale

     Yes, I picked 'Today Was A Fairytale' by Taylor Swift. I've always loved that song, and I think it's a good song to sing, considering Hunter's here. I finish the song, and walk out. Hunter starts clapping, and hugs me. "That was amazing, Kristen!" He exclaims, pulling away from the hug. "Thank you!" I say, smiling. I sing a few more songs, then Hunter and I do a duet, which was really funny because he kept making funny faces at me throughout the whole song, making it hard to sing. We hung out at the studio for the rest of the day. Recording songs like this, it's been my dream since I was in middle school. I guess dreams really do come true after all.

***Hey Hayniacs! Hope yall enjoyed this chapter! Okay so yall know how I'm going to see Hunter in October? Do any of you know if he will have the Live Passes? Their those wristbands or something that when you buy them you get to meet Hunter. And also do you know how much they cost? Coffee House passes were sold out for the show I'm going to, plus those were too expensive anyway. And thanks for the sweet comments! I love seeing them! I will update both fanfics again next weekend, so see yall soon! I love you guys!!***

-ML312 :)


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