Chapter 33- Everything Ends at Some Point, right?

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***Hi guys!! Ok so before I go into anything, I have some major fangirling to do. If you're a Directioner, fangirl with me! 1D DAY WAS PERFECT AND I just I cant. You know for a while, I had strayed away from the fandom, it was becoming to crazy and dramatic and I just needed a break. But after watching those five goofballs for 8 hours straight, they showed me why I became a Directioner 2 years ago in the first place. Why I spent hours on the Internet fangirling over them. Why I waited for months for albums and new tour dates. And why I love them so much. These five boys, have been a huge part of my life and I can't thank them enough. <3 Now, my little emotional paragraph is done, and I have a SHOUTOUT to give! Yall..please be the most amazing readers ever and go follow my friend, ThatExiterChick? She has amazing stories, and she's new to Wattpad so help her out! :) Oh and Danielle, thanks for the idea behind this chapter!  Here is chapter 33, Hayniacs!***

Kristen's POV- 2 weeks later.

     One more night. One more night of crowds. One more night of opening acts. One more night of the screaming fans. One more night of the "Let's Be Crazy'' tour. It feels like the tour just started yesterday, and now it's all coming to an end. I can't believe it's over, it's all gone by so fast! I can't imagine how Hunter feels, he's waited his whole life for his own headlining tour, and now it's all done. Speaking of Hunter, he's sitting next to me at the moment. I look over at him.

     "Hey Hunter?" I ask, getting his attention. He looks up. "Yes?" He asks, smiling at me. "Can you believe it's almost over, the tour?" I ask, scooting closer to him. "Not really. It feels like it was yesterday we were sitting in your apartment watching 'Grease' when I begged you to come on this tour." He chuckles slightly. I laugh with him, remembering that day. That was a fun day. "Yeah, tell me about it. It's crazy!" I exclaim, throwing my hands up in the air. He laughs.

     We talk for a few minutes, then he goes off with Sam and Matt to do something. He needs his guy time, anyway. Grabbing my phone, I plop back down on the couch and log onto Instagram. Scrolling through my feed, I see some more hate comments. Lovely. I know I shouldn't read them, but curiosity gets the best of me. The past few days, I've been getting a ton of hate from the Hayniacs. I don't know why, I haven't done anything wrong, at least I don't think I have. I would tell Hunter about it, but I don't want him to have to worry about anything. He already has enough going on right now anyway.

      Tears already spilling, I turn my phone off. I don't want to have to deal with this right now.  I hear footsteps coming, so I quickly wipe my tears away. "Hey Kris! Do you wanna-hey what happened? Have you been crying?" It's Hunter. "Nothing, there was something in my contact and I had to rub my eye to get it out. I'm fine!" I lie smoothly. I hate keeping things from him, but I don't want him to worry about me right now. "Okay...well I was just gonna ask if you wanted to head down to the park around the block. Get out of the bus for a while, you must be bored out of your mind." He chuckles, smiling his perfect smile. "Sure! I need some fresh air. Let's go!" I exclaim, taking his hand. We walk out of the bus and start walking down to the park.

      As we're walking, two girls come up to us. "Hi Hunter! I love your music!" One girl exclaims happily. They must be fans. "Oh, well thank you! Would you girls like a picture or something?" He asks, smiling at the two fans in front of us. They squeal and say yes, getting on either side of Hunter. "Come on in Kristen,. there's room for you!" He says, motioning me over. The girls look at each other, then glare at me. "She can take the picture, Hunter. We don't need her in the picture." One girl sneers at me rudely. I just nod and take the girl's phone, snapping the picture.

     Hunter thanks the girls and hugs them, and then we're alone again. "Kristen I am so sorry about that. They shouldn't have said that to you. Some fans can just be plain rude sometimes, I'm sorry." He says, hugging me.

That Girl On Youtube- A Hunter Hayes Fanfic (Currently editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant