Chapter 29- I Left You For A Reason

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***Hey guys!! So first off......THANK YALL so much for over 5k reads! Ugh you guys never fail to amaze me! Incredible :) Anyway, so I just got a haircut. But I got 6 inches off..its short now! I love ittt ahh so much better than my long hair! Lol. When we last met, Chad had appeared. Whoop de Doo. This should be fun! Okay-here we go! Enjoy! :)***

Kristen's POV

      I stop dead in my tracks. Chad, my ex that cheated on me, is standing right there. In the front row. Staring up at me. Why? Why is he here? What does he want? So many questions were running through my mind. Remembering that I'm on stage, I continue to walk up to the mic. If I act like nothing's wrong, the audience won't get suspicious. "Hey ya'll!" I call out to the audience. They cheered and clapped. "So," I started. "Being here tonight is absolutely incredible. My boyfriend, Hunter, was kind enough to surprise me by taking me back to my old house earlier, where my whole family was waiting. That meant a lot. I haven't been here in so long, coming back brings back some pretty good memories! This show will be by far my favorite one for this tour, and I can't wait to play for yall! Here we go!" I say, taking a step back as I strum the chords to an original song of mine.

     You have no idea how annoying it was to have Chad standing in front of me. I tried my best to ignore him, but it was difficult. I decided to give him a little piece of my mind, by starting the song I wrote for him. The familiar tune of the guitar filled my ears, and I looked down to see Chad smirking up at me. What a jerk. I could see Hunter standing on the side of the stage, giving me a strange look. I never perform this song on the tour, so this was new to him. Singing the song, I looked at Chad the entire time, making sure he knew that this song was for him.

     Once the song was done, I thanked the crowd, and ran offstage. Hunter was waiting for me, with open arms. He knew something was wrong, he just had that thing where he just knew when something seemed off. I crashed into his arms, hugging him close. After a few moments of him hugging me, he pulled me back and tilted my chin towards him. "What's wrong?" He asked, concern filling his light blue eyes. "Chad..." I whisper. It took him a second, but then he realized who I was talking about. "You mean your ex? That dirt bag that cheated on you?" He asked. I nodded, the memory of the day he cheated coming back to me. "What do you think he's doing here?" I asked him, looking for an answer. He shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea. I didn't invite him, obviously, so I don't know why he would be here." He said, looking down at me.

      Ashley and Sara were onstage, doing their bit of opening act stuff. Hunter pulled me into another hug. "Whatever he wants from you, he won't get it. He should not be here, he treated you wrong in every way possible, you never deserved what he did to you." He said softly to me. "I know, but if it hadn't been for what he did, you would've never found my videos on Youtube, and we wouldn't be right here, together." I said, smiling up at him. "True, but still. You know that I love you more than anything, and I would never in a million years cheat on you, right?" He asked, twirling a strand of hair in between his fingers. I nodded, standing on my tip toes to kiss his cheek.

        2 hours later-still Kristen's POV

      "GOODNIGHT RICHMOND YOU GUYS WERE AMAZING! WE LOVE YOU!" Hunter yelled out to the crowd, as he ran off stage. I was waiting for him on the side of the stage, and when he got to me he picked me up and spun me around in a hug. "You did great, baby!" I exclaimed as he put me down. "Thank you, but you're the one who did great tonight. I'm so proud of you!" He said, setting his guitar down on its stand. I blushed at his comment. "So did Chad do anything? Say anything?" I asked him, as he took my hand. "Not really. But I still don't know why he would be here." He said.

       As if on cue, my phone buzzed in my pocket, signaling I had a text. Opening the message, I realize it was Chad. "Ugh." I say, stopping. Hunter turns around, my hand still in his. "What?" He asks, walking to my side. "It's Chad, he just texted me saying for me to meet him out by the stage." I said, looking at Hunter. "Okay, but I'm going with you." He declared, as we walked back towards the stage. I saw Chad sitting in a seat in the front row. He stood up when he saw Hunter and I.

      "What do you want and why are you here?" I snapped, not feeling very friendly around him. Hunter tightened his grip on my hand. "Someone's snappy." Chad said, smirking. "She asked you a question. I think you should answer her." Hunter said, giving him a stern look. Chad glared at Hunter. "Anyway, I'm here because I want you back." Chad said, walking up to the edge of the stage. I jumped down from the stage and onto the floor, where he was standing. Hunter followed me. "Why? You cheated on me, you don't deserve me!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air.

      "I know, but I also know that I can be a much better boyfriend than this wannabe cowboy, here." He said, motioning towards Hunter. My blood boiled in anger. "YOU were the worst boyfriend I've ever had, and that is no exaggeration. And Hunter is his name, and he is not a 'wannabe cowboy', he is my sweet, caring, honest, LOYAL, supportive boyfriend, or in other words, everything you never were." I yelled, getting frustrated with him now. "He just feels sorry for you. He doesn't really love you, he just feels bad for you. Oh and by the way, I've seen girls with much better voices than you. Might wanna consider singing lessons." Chad said, showing that stupid smirk again.

      Hunter let go of me, and stepped towards Chad. "I'll have you know that I love her more than anything in this world, I would take a hundred bullets for her. You have no right to say that about me, you don't know our relationship. And she has more talent in her finger than you do in your whole body, and if she doesn't, explain to me why she's on this tour and why she's about to record her first demo cd. You need to leave, now." Hunter said, trying his hardest to not explode in Chad's face. One thing about Hunter, is that he always keeps his cool in situations like this, it takes a lot to make him yell with anger. "I'm not going anywhere until Kristen is mine again." Chad said, crossing his arms.

     "When will you ever understand that I left you for a reason?! You cheated on me with some trashy girl, I will never take you back and that is final! Didn't that song make that clear? I walked out of your life for a reason, Chad, and I'm not about to walk back into it just because you got tired of that other girl. Knowing you, you probably already moved on from her too." I snapped, taking Hunter's hand in my own. Chad took a step back. "Kristen I love you." He pleaded. "Please. You and I both know that's not true, nor was it ever anyway. You should leave." I said. "Fine, I'll leave. But know this- I really do love you and I'm sorr-" I cut him off. "Leave Chad. Don't give me your stupid excuses." I said, pointing towards the exit door to the arena. He slumped his shoulders, and left.

      "I'm so sorry Hunter. I'm sorry you had to be a part of that." I said, wrapping my arms around him. "Don't be. Don't ever be sorry for something that was never your fault." He said, holding me in his arms. "I love you." I said, looking up at him. "I love you, too." He replied, kissing the top of my head. He took my hand, and we walked to the buses where everyone else was waiting.

     "Night, Kristen. Have sweet dreams!" Hunter said, hugging me one last time before we went our separate ways for the night. "Night Hunt, you too!" I called, as I walked inside my bus. Funny how everything can be going along perfectly, then one person can screw it all up. Ugh, I cannot believe he had the nerve to come all the way up here to say that. He should've known better. Shaking the thought off, I changed into my pajama's and climbed into bed, and off to sleep.

     This is one of those days that I'm extra thankful Hunter is mine, because he proves that there actually are nice, decent, respectable men out there. There are few, but they are out there. I'm just glad that one of them is all mine.

***Oooohhh well that was fun. Hope yall enjoyed this chapter, I'll see you again next weekend! Love yallll :)***


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