Chapter Twenty Three: What did you do to a squirrel?

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Liam scratches his neck, "I don't know if we should be doing this guys..."

Sam snaps her fingers in front of his face, "snap out of it, Parker. We're doing this. Don't you remember the fact that he left our best friend in a tree?"

"Yeah," I chirp at Liam, "and I almost froze to death because of it."

Liam sighs, "yeah, but he was obviously really sorry about it. I mean he wouldn't leave your side for the whole weekend. As if he was scared you would become a feather and fly away."

Its true, Greyson was so sorry about leaving me in the tree. However he still won't tell me why he left me in the first place. He would just change the subject. Or would just stare at me with a smolder and eventually I would get so uncomfortable that I would look away. I don't know how he does it. I mean with one simple look I can completely forget about why I was mad at him. But I will get my answers on why he didn't kiss me. Even if I won't like the answer.  

So now were getting him back. It's the last day of the camping trip, what better way to end the trip then to get Greyson back for all the pranks he pulled on me when we were kids.

It's all in good fun, I swear! Good fun and sweet sweet revenge...

"What if he wakes up?"

I sigh and grab Liam by his shoulders. "He won't," I smile at him, "Greyson is probably the heaviest sleeper I've ever met. I mean I once broke a plate in his room and he didn't even react. I swear a train could crash into his house and he wouldn't even notice."

Sam smirks, "the perfect target, I like it."

Liam groans as Sam takes a hold of his sweatshirt sleeve and pulls him towards Rowans and Greyson's tent. As we reach it, Rowan crawls out with a satisfied grin on his face.

"He's out."

I high five with Rowan as I reach him, "so what's the plan?"

He laughs mischievously, "I figured we would all carry him out and then let the rest take care of itself."


"Whoa. SHIT!"

Sam looks around the circle with a mischievous grin. "Looks like Greysons up."

We all watch nervously towards the lining of trees for the approach of the big bad wolf. He comes stomping out with an angry expression and completely covered in mud. Rowan falls off of the log that he was sitting on in laughter, Sam snickers at the both of them, and Liam hides his face in Violets lap. I however stare straight at the wolf with a satisfied grin.

I wasn't sure if it would work. I'm glad it did.

"Hows your morning going, Greysie?"

His glare becomes pointed at me, "oh just lovely. I love rolling into a pool of mud."

Rowan went out early this morning and found a slight hill that led down towards a small lake of pure mud. We both know how much Greyson rolls around in his sleep, so what better prank than to put Greyson on the hill and let the rocks crumble down the hill. By rocks I mean Greyson, obviously. 

Now he's standing in nothing but boxers and mud and I couldn't be happier.

I chew on my lip to hold in my laughs and walk over to him. "This is a really good look for you, Grey. Maybe you should take a bath in mud more often."

He looks down at me with an amused glare, "is that right, love? Maybe we should see how you look with mud all over."

My eyes widen as I try to run away from him but he quickly grabs me by my waist and slings me over his muddy shoulder with a laugh. I hit his back with my palm, "Greyson Aleksander Black! Let me down!"

He slaps my ass making me jump, "down worry, Smiles. It's only mud... freezing cold mud."

I look over at my friends for any help but they all shrug with smiles on their faces. Traitors!

They disappear as we reach the lining of trees and within seconds I'm being tossed into a pool of freezing mud. I pop my head up and wipe my eyes clear to see Greyson standing on the shore laughing his ass off.

This is so not going the way I planned!

"Y-you're a J-jerk," I shiver out. Rubbing my arms to try and get some warmth back into my body.

He tilts his head with an amused smile, "I don't think that was an apology."

I roll my eyes and step out of the mud, "suck m-my dick, B-black."

He laughs and wraps me in a hug encasing me in warmth. "I sure do love your apologies, Smiles. Their always so heartfelt."

I can't help but smile and fall into his hug that's calming my shivers. "I mean it with all my heart," I whisper into his chest. I look up at him to see that smile that I love so much. The one where his eyes brighten and his dimples show. The one that makes my heart do weird things.

"Come on," he whispers, "let's get cleaned up."


As I step out of the campsites small showers I catch a glimpse of Greyson throwing on a shirt and ruffling his newly cleaned hair. Making it the perfect amount of messy. I tilt my head and run my eyes along his body.

I've always known that Greyson was... attractive. But why is it that within this past month all I can think about is tearing off his clothes piece by piece and completely devo-

"Are you just going to keep staring at me with that creepy look on your face or are you gonna say something?"

I get pulled out of my diluted fantasies to see Greyson with a smug smirk. Say anything Skye. Anything to make him forget about your creepy face staring at him as if he was a piece of meat and you were the lion.

Uh... really bad analogy. What is wrong with you lately?

"What were the last two tasks?"

The smirk falls off his face and its replaced by an uncomfortable expression. He turns back around towards the mirror, "um. I don't remember."

That was probably the worst lie I've ever heard. "Come on. I want to know."

He glances at me before looking back at the sink, "why? It doesn't even matter. I decided not to do them after the pool."

I cross my arms and chew on my lip. Why won't he just tell me?

"I'm just curious. I mean... you seemed to have a reason for every task you gave me. What were the last two?"

He turns around and stares at me. His thumb posed on his bottom lip and his eyes quizzical. "I'll only tell you if you'll do them."

"Huh?" I ask shocked.

He grins, "I'll tell you what the last tasks were. But only if you do them."

"I-You. But you have nothing over me." I look down at me feet, "me and Cole aren't dating anymore."

He sighs, "that's true. But I still hold curiosity over you. I know you Skyler Rose Hastings. Better than you know yourself."

I look up at him through my eyelashes to see the gleeful smirk gracing his lips. Damn him and damn his smirk.

I groan, "fine. What do I have to do?"

He smiles devilishly, "you have to be my girlfriend."


Soooo... that happened.

Hope you liked it. Uh vote, comment. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you liked it. Sorry for the short chapter. It was kinda a filler.

Happy reading!

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