12# Camping With My Cousin And His Idiot Friends.

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Hello beauties!

This isn't a long one, but i thought i should upload something. :D

Ok chapter 12!

Comment, Fan, Vote please?

Thank you and enjoy!



Jake's POV!

"Hello! Hello! I can't hear you! We need support to leave!" I yelled down the phone, knowing full well that wouldn't help.

"Sir... Location... Emergency... Injuries?" the calm woman said in the other end of the phone line. Not that I could tell what she was saying anyway - her accent was so thick.

"No! Look, Miss! We're trapped! We need support to get away! We're stranded!" I yelled down the phone.

"Sir! -" was the last thing I heard before I heard the phone line disconnect, and I was left listening to the crackle of the dial tone. That was it! The power lines were now down.

As that thought started to sink in, all the lights flickered. As if the storm didn't block out enough light, and it was night!

I walked into the hallway and to the small cupboard by the bedrooms where the small emergency generator was kept. I managed to get it working, and read on the side that we only had about 1 or 2 days until the power would eventually run out completely. I stood up in the now light room, the lights dimmer that before. I turned to see Sally standing behind me, her eyes blotchy from her crying.

"So we're stuck here?" Sally asked me, her breath ragged and clinging on my arm.

"Yeah, unfortunately. We could've gone if hadn't Darcy arrived, but we can't get out of the house until the storm let's up. The wind will only knock us over and blow things around us. It's just too dangerous." I said, hating myself. I wanted to tell bet everything would be ok, and that we'd be out of here soon, but I couldn't lie to her. We could be stuck for days.

"Well... at least we're together." I chuckled, warmth spreading through because of her innocence. I

was happy about this too.

"Save your breath Tom. You'll need it when this low-life is done with you." I heard Amber say harshly.

I stopped dead in my tracks with Sally next to me doing the same. At that moment, the kitchen door flew open and Amber came bursting out pushing past me and Sally, towards the bedroom.

"What the hell?..." I trailed before rushing to the kitchen as Sally dashed after Amber.

I found Tom leaning against the wall with a worried and saddened expression on his face. Darcy had a triumphant look on her face. Both of their lips were bright red and slightly swollen. Oh my days.. !

They kissed!

"What did you do? Both of you!" I yelled, anger flooding through me. No one messes with my family.

"Since when did you care?" Darcy snapped.

"Since Amber was born into my family. What have you done, Darcy?"

"Nothing, just... Expressing myself. And you've never cares for Amber, so what does it matter to you?" Darcy said and smiled at me.

"Why are you such a bitch?" I heard a voice call from the door. I turned and saw Sally standing there, hands balled into fists.

"Because I get what I want, when I want. And right now, i want to talk to Jake. Alone." Darcy sneered. Sally looked at me incredulously, but i only nodded. She looked at me and kissed me on the cheek, only to the pull tom out of the room.

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