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I was finishing up braiding my hair when it happened. There was a loud knock on the front door. I pulled my braid tight and tied it back.
"MONICA GET DOWN HERE AND ANSWER THE DOOR!" Mother called from the living room, right next to the door in question. I looked in the mirror, making sure that my face was blank before leaving the bathroom and going downstairs.
I had spent 12 of my 18 years of life trying to rid myself of any and all emotions. For the most part it worked. I had successfully gotten rid of positive emotions and all that was left was the occasional bout of anger. I took a deep breath as I neared the bottom of the stairs. As usual, my mother was sitting on the couch, doing nothing but watching television.
I opened the door and was greeted by a man with dark sunglasses and who was of average height. He had dark skin and he wore dark street clothes. He was also bald.
"Hello, Miss Capello, my name is Director Fury, head of S.H.I.E.L.D." he introduced himself. I started to close the door, but he caught it with his hand. "We've been studying you for years and we we would like to recruit you for S.H.I.E.L.D."
"What even is S.H.I.E.L.D?" I asked skeptically.
"Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division."
I let out a low whistle. "Someone REALLY wanted the initials to spell shield."
Director Fury simply shook his head. "Monica, we at S.H.I.E.L.D. would very much like for you to come train and become an agent."
"Sir, I'm only 17, I'm still in high school." I said in my usual monotone voice.
"You're a senior in high school, Miss Capello, therefore you can begin training at S.H.I.E.L.D. That is, if you want to get away from your parents. Oh, yes, we know all about them."
"Mr. Fury, sir, I've been called emotionless and heartless. Do you really want someone like that?"
"Miss Capello, I do not believe you're completely heartless," he said, gesturing to the heart locket I always wore around my neck. My hand instinctively flew up and grabbed it. The locket was my most cherished possession. "Sterling silver, must have been from someone special." With that, he turned to leave. "Oh, if you do consider joining," he handed me a business card, "give that number a call."

HeartlessUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum