Chapter Nineteen: Tough love, lovebug.

Start from the beginning

"I think it has something to do with his mate."

Sam gags, "I thought we vetoed that term."

I smirk, "sorry I forgot."

She rolls her eyes at my teasing,"so are you done weeping now?"

Way to be considerate Sam. "Yes." I remark, "however I certainly have a right to weep."

She groans, "you and Greyson both."

"Greyson has nothing to do with this."

Lyings bad, Skyler.

Sam scoffs at me as if I said the stupidest thing in the world. "Seriously after everything you and Greyson have been through I wouldn't be surprised if he just scream-"

"Hello my girls," Liam interrupts Sam.

I quickly rush for her to continue, "finish what you were saying Sam."

She stares at me but quickly shakes her head, "it wasn't important anyways."

"Good," Liam chirps as he sits down next to me.

No, so not good!

"I'm assuming this is Skye, right?" A beautiful brunette asks as she sits down next to Liam. Her voice a thick australian accent.

"You would be correct," Liam says to her with a bright smile. This must be Violet. The "girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you," I say to her in a quiet voice.

Liam gives me a weird face as Sam eyes the girl skeptically. I've seen that face a thousand times and I already know what's going to happen next.

"So," Sam practically growls out, "are you just going to use our best friend or do actually plan on being a decent human being?"


"Come on."

He drops the basketball mid swing and turns towards me. It's dark in the gym and due to the fact that he's been practicing for hours he's drenched in sweat and without a shirt. Usually the sight makes my mouth water but now...

He walks over to me hesitantly, a small smile gracing his lips. "Where are we going?"

I wait to tell him what were doing. I don't think he's gonna like it. Scratch that - I know he won't like it. In fact my hands are shaking with the nerves running through my body.

Only a stupid girlfriend would do this. Clearly...I'm that stupid girlfriend.

He gets into my car quietly and stays that way the whole car ride. It's never this quiet with Cole. Usually its hand holding, whisped nothings into each others ears, and all in all love.

But now it's the small blare of Justin Bieber on the radio and my heart pounding to the beat of false hope.

We pull into the driveway and I can already see the fear in Cole's eyes. He just needs to know that I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this for him. Him and Wendy.

"What are we doing here, Skye?"

I turn towards him to see the terror in his eyes and the sweat building on his brow. I turn his face towards me and smile. Even though my heart is breaking.

"You have to apologise."

He starts to shake his head but I force him to look me straight in the eyes.

"It may have been years ago Cole, but you have to. Because the pain of what you did to her will last forever if you don't. You're a better man then that. Prove me right. Walk in there and do what I know you've been wanting to do for years."

His blue eyes flicker from me to the greenhouse and I see the acceptance that blossoms within them. He looks back at me, "you'll be here when I get back?"

I nod my head but can't find the will to say anything. He slowly gets out of my car and walks up to the door. I watch as Wendy opens it up and practically jumps from the surprise. He walks into the house and the door shuts behind him.

I don't know how long this is gonna take so I call Sam since I've needed to talk to her properly for days.

"If you are calling me from your bed again I'm gonna steal all of your Maggie Stiefvater books."

I sigh, "no I'm in the car waiting for Cole."

"Oh..." a long awkward pause. "What is he doing?"

"I brought him to Wendy's house and now I don't know how long he's going to be till he comes back out."

"Wait, you brought him to Wendy's?"

"Yes, Sam. That's what I just said."

"But didn't you just tell me that Wendy said that Cole said that he loved her. And didn't you also say that when Wendy said it she looked like she regretted the fact that she never said it back?" Sam rushes out breathlessly.


"Then why the hell would you put yourself in that situation! Are you wanting your relationship to fail?"

I flop my head onto my steering wheel and let out a deep breath. Oh the drama of it all!

"Of course not, Sam! But it was like it was eating at me over and over again. I had to do it. I mean...what if Cole was meant to be with Wendy? The way she was talking about him was with more passion than I've ever talk about him. What if she's looking at me with hatred because I'm with the love of her life?"

Sam sighs on the other line, "I'm pretty sure Wendy is incapable of hate. I mean the girl is probably the nicest person I've ever met. But - Skye, isn't Cole the love of your life?"

I look up at the door right as Wendy and Cole step out on the porch. I watch as she smiles with blush tinting her cheeks. "I do love Cole," I reply to Sam." I watch as Cole smiles and pulls Wendy into a hug. "But he's not the love of my life."


Hello, loves.

I know it was short, but I promise the next chapter has some juicy stuff coming (;

Any whooo....

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