"Oh my gosh, your hair! I love it!" I shrieked. Bucky returned to his military haircut. He looked really nice. "Can you get the cheese grater please? Its up too high for me to reach."

He grabbed it, all the meanwhile, Bonnie was totally checking him out. Challenge accepted.

"Hey, Buck," I whispered as I began grating the carrot, "we should surprise Steve soon."

"Okay. Sounds good. Why are we whispering?"

"Because it makes the attractive lady checking you out think we're talking about her."

"Wait, Bonnie was checking me out? Are you sure?"

"Is she blonde?"

I finished up the last of the carrot before tossing the grater and sink.

"Hey, Bonnie, I'm gonna take Bucky out now. Unless you need him," I hinted.

"No. Go surprise your dad. I'll be out in a few with dinner," Bonnie promised.

Bucky waited at the door between the kitchen and party area as I went through, looking for Tony. He got everyone's attention for me.

"Okay," I began, hoping everyone could hear me, "I know that we are doing not-so-secret Santa after dinner, but I have a little surprise. Um, its mostly for Steve, but I think that this is something that we will all enjoy. Hey, Soldier! Come on out!"

Everyone stood, petrified with amazement and disbelief. Steve looked like he was about to cry as he went to hug his best friend. Everyone else went back to their conversations, but Steve came to me.

"How did you do this?"

"Magic. Henry's moms came in secret and took Henry, Peter, and I to Wakanda. They put a spell on him. His new arm was purely the Wakandan scientists," I explained.

"Thank you," Steve smiled. "This is an amazing Christmas present."

He gave me a hug which nearly suffocated me. Then dinner was served.

Do you know in Willy Wonka when Charlie sees the chocolate waterfall for the first time? The pure awe and amazement that came from each of the kids and even the parents? That was how seeing this dinner felt. The turkey was a gorgeous golden brown, the lump free mashed potatoes with the smoothest looking gravy that I had ever seen, the roasted vegetables (ew), and the gingerbread cookies. Each plate had a cookie specifically designed to twin with the person meant to sit there. It was a cuter version of nametags. I found my cookie between Peter and Steve. May was sandwiched between Peter and Tony, and Beatrix sat across from me.

After everyone finished eating, Tony began the not-so-secret Santa by handing Steve his gift. Steve gave his to one of Clint's kids. They all were blended in my mind, honestly. He gave his gift to Thor, who had Sam, who had May. As May was about to open her gift, a tall blonde in sweatpants with a stack of papers ran in the room.

"Um, Mr. Stark, so sorry to interrupt, but I completely forgot to hand in these papers before I left today. They're for the grant that you did at MIT," she began.

"Pepper," Tony insisted, "you don't have to call me Mr. Stark. Now put those papers on my desk and come join us. No one should be alone on Christmas."

Peter squeezed my knee in excitement. Maybe he could finally break up Aunt May and Tony. It would have been an evil, despicable thing if his aunt wasn't dating his boss. The whole situation even weirded me out, and I am tolerant, if not fully accepting, of most things.

"Okay," Pepper smiled uncomfortably, but she was no where near how uncomfortable May looked.

"And see if Bonnie has an extra dress. She probably will. I think she has a closet here," Tony babbled before sending Pepper on her way.

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