Chapter 3: Can We Feel Sorry For It?

Start from the beginning

"Yes. They are good. They just want to breathe fresh air again." Frisk watched them both stand up beside her. "I know it cannot be resolved in a day, but they once lived among us all in peace. We can do it again. There must be a way."

"Okay then, but you're not gonna like it." Steve grabbed her hand and held it tightly. "The truth is, the monster's conquered their test. All that's left is the human ambassador. Or, if you ask me? It should be called human sacrifice."

"Your chances of surviving are just about nil," Ethan said. "In fact, if you die when you made it through all but one test, we are still supposed to let the monsters free. That is how bad it is."

"And, if you aren't dead, you are going to want to be," Steve said, gripping her hand even harder. "What would you really give to save the monsters?"

"You." She pointed toward them. "You need to let them go. Ah!"

Steve clasped her hand extra hard. "You took a mission that was supposed to get rid of these things, and turned it into a rescue mission. Therefore, there was no choice but to follow procedures. Humans a long time ago feared that the monsters might get a hold of some human souls somehow and break the barrier, so they made their own test afterward. Just to make sure a human actually vouches for them." He let go of her hand.

"You were responsible for everything." Frisk held her hand. It felt awful, he squeezed it so tight. She was surprised nothing had broken. "You did things to me too."

"What? Did you just think you happened to get kidnapped, and then when the doors opened, you accidentally ran into a random hole and fell into Mount Ebott?" Ethan chuckled. "Random kid. Far away. The people here before us just wanted to make sure if any news did fall out, when they looked at pictures, they couldn't tell if it was boy or girl or what."

"Yeah. Before you got your rack, your school picture was analyzed the best match of 'could be boy' or 'could be girl'," Ethan said. "Fun, huh? Don't worry, puberty was awful kind to you. I mean, you may have stayed short but everything else filled out nicely enough, didn't it?"

Frisk continued to push buttons, every button she could. What was it, a special combination? Were they all fake except one button maybe?

"Wasting your time. Now, you only get three trips back here, and you just took your first one. If I were you, and you are really serious about rescuing the monsters, then you better ask questions about the tests you have to take."

"Right, 'cause when your number is up, we are gone and a new barrier that will take a lot more work to take down will replace this spot right here. There's no way a few human souls will break it. They'll need hundreds."

"Fine," Frisk agreed. "I am freeing them no matter what. What are the tests?"

"The worst shit our ancestors could come up with." Ethan sat back down along with Steve. "You have to destroy your own soul."


"You have to corrupt your own soul," Steve agreed. "Strong, brave and righteousness don't mean anything. You have to bend to the very depths of your soul to free the monsters. See? Even if you had wanted to be the ambassador when you were eight, you would have still been sent away. No one wants to put a kid through that."

"But an adult has a mind of their own," Ethan reminded her. "So? How important is it to you? After all, you moved way over here."

"Yeah. That was fun to discover. Once I spotted you," Steve said, "I had a feeling I knew who you were. Got the official first name, made a cute little hole of 'hope' for the monsters and everything." He shrugged. "We get bored. Don't worry. That hole will stay open for you. But if too many monsters go through, game over too."

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