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Emma's P.O.V

I take a deep breath and I lift my arm.

No. I can't do this.

I look at the closed door. I really can't do this.

I take another deep breath, ignore my thoughts and knocks.

What the fuck did I just do.

"Can I help you, miss?" A voice says.

But the door is still closed.

"Miss?" The voice says behind me.

I turn around and I hold my breath.

Calum stands in front of me with Matilda in his arms. He doesn't reconize me.

Calum hasn't changed at all. He is still the sweet guy who fell in love with my sister.

But Matilda in the other hand...
She's exactly like Ella. She got the same eyes and the same smile.

A tear escapes from the corner of my eyes, but Calum can't see it, because I'm wearing sunglasses.

"Miss? Are you okay?" Calum asks.

I take my sunglasses off.

"Emma?" Calum holds his breath.

He puts down Matilda and gives me a very thight hug.

More tears escape from my eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong? Don't cry. I am right here."

"It's just that I've missed you so much. I am so sorry for leaving and breaking the contact." I whisper while crying.

Calum lets go of me and lays his hand under my chin. He lifts it so that I'm looking in his eyes. He smiles at me.

Matilda looks really confused.

I squat so I'm at her height. "Hey little girl. My name is Emma and I am your mother's sister. Her twin sister to be exactly."

She puts her little arms around me.

"You've grown so big!" I say with tears in her eyes. "The last time I saw you, you were so little."

"Why are you crying? You don't have to cry..." She says while she wipes away some tears.

"I know, but you look exactly like your mother. You are so beautiful."

Calum opens the door and we walk in. He puts their stuff in the hallway and takes my coat.

We walk to the kitchen where he makes coffee for us and warms up a glass of milk for Matilda.

And then we start talking about how everything went after we split up.

I tell him about the break up with Luke and how I became a doctor. I tell him about how I met David and I even tell him about Jason and what happened last week.

"I want you to know how proud I am of you and what you have became Emma... You stayed so strong on your own."

I smile and thank him.

Luke's P.O.V

Ashton opens the door and we walk in. The television is on, but Calum isn't on the couch.

"Where is Calum?" I ask and in the same moment, we hear Matilda giggling.

"I guess Cal is there." Michael says with a smile.

He's literally obsessed with her and all he cares about is her. They're playing all time and she just loves him so much. It's really cute to see them together.

We walk to Matilda's room and we see Calum standing in the doorway, smiling and looking in the room. I hear someone else talking and Matilda's giggle.

Calum see us and immediately he puts his finger to his mouth as a sign that we need to be quiet.

"I'll explain everything later." He mouths.

I walk to him and I look in the room. My mouth drops as I see Emma, who lies next to Matilda in bed.

Suddenly my body fills with all the feelings I have ever had for Emma, as it never left, and with that, I just fall in love with her again.

I look at her beautiful hair, that is touching her soft skin. Her eyes, reading every line in the book she's holding. Her divine lips, that were so precious to kiss, let her perfect voice talk.

Michael punches me on my arm. "Shall we go to the living room?" He mutters.

I nod and we all let Emma and Matilds alone as we walk back to the livingroom.

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