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Ashton's P.O.V

As we sit with the 4 of us on the couch, there is a painfull silence between Michael and Luke. Calum notices it too.

"Okay guys, what's going on?" Calum asks to Michael and Luke.

"Michael sent a message to Emma via my phone without my permission." Luke mumbles.

My mouth starts dropping. Calum and I are both looking at Michael.

"I wanted to help you, Luke!" Michael says, while defending himself.

The painfull silence is back again, not that it ever left, but now it's more painfull then ever.

"I know you wanted to... Sorry for being such a dickhead." Luke says to Michael after a few minutes.

Michael nods. "It's okay."

"Did she replied?" I ask, because I just really want to know the answer.

Luke shakes his head. I sigh disappointed, but then Luke says something I never wanted to hear.

"Her boyfriend did."

Calum's mouth is dropping, just like Michael's.

Luke takes his phone and shows us the pic of Emma and her boyfriend.

Luke takes his phone and shows us the pic of Emma and her boyfriend

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When I see the pic, my heart is hurting.
Emma seems so happy. Tears appear in my eyes and I quickly dry them before someone sees them.

It hurts, you know, seeing someone happy with a person, and that person isn't you.

"So, that's him?" Calum says. "Jason Green?"

Luke nods.

"I'm not gay or something, but he's not that bad... I mean, he obviously is good looking." Michael says.

We don't make fun of him, we just nod, because everyone agrees.

"How did you do it?" Luke asks Calum. "How did you get over Ella."

"I'm not over her... I actually blocked her on instagram, because it hurts to look at her pictures." Calum says.

Luke is typing something on his phone. "Ella's profile is not private anymore..." He says.

Then he turns his phone to us and her bio is showing:

Ella Smith
There's this guy I have liked for a long time. I think I finally can call him mine 💕

I see Calum's face changing. Tears appear in his eyes and he flexes his jaw to stop the tears. He seems like he's gonna having a breakdown, but he just blinks a few times.

"I don't wanna sound like an asshole at all, but I think this is a sign. I think you guys need to get over them, and just realise things won't work out anymore. You have to move on..." Michael says slowly.

I nod.

Luke looks at me with one eyebrow up. Fuck! I shouldn't have nod.

"I agree with Michael." I say quick.

Luke turns his head away. Pfiew, I'm save now.

After an hour of staring at walls and drinking some drinks, I get up to go home.

When I get back home, I say goodnight to my mum and go straight to my room. I drop myself on my bed and tears start streaming. I don't even know why I'm crying, because I haven't even talked to Emma once...

I know I shouldn't do it, but I take my phone out of my pocket and I go to Emma's account on instagram. When I read her bio, I actually start smiling. I don't know why, but I think I just imagine her saying it to Ella.

Emma Smith
Crap, im in love.

Her profile picture is actually really hot. I must admit it. I look further, she has 115 posts, 680 followers and she follows 208 persons.

Okay, that information is not that important, but I don't care. I scroll down her page and I start looking at her pics from the bottom to the top.

The bottom is mostly selfies and pictures with Ella. Then slowly a new girl appear in the pictures. When I tap on the picture and the names appear, I see that her name is Lilly.

And then the pics with Jason. Some are really cute... Fuck, he's so much better looking than I am.

When I'm back at the top, I go to Ella's profile. And fuck. Her boyfriend is also really hot....

She also seems so happy. They are so much happier there then when they were in Australia..

"You Die, I Die" ~ 5SOSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora