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Ella's P.O.V

We all walk out of the back door so we don't get mobbed by the fans.

We went to a place called the Olive Garden.. I got really confused when Michael told me that, I thought we were going to a garden centre.

When we arrived Ashton held the door open, with a huge grin. We all walked in, I was behind but when Emma walked past he looked up at the door frame then when i walked past he smiled at me.
Weird boy.

We all sat down from left to right it was:
Ashton, Michael, Calum, me, Emma, Luke.

This was a round table so Luke was next to Ashton.
We looked at the menu and we all decide what we're gonna have, then we start talking about stuff, tour, school, basically life.

5 minutes later the waiter comes, he takes our orders but keeps eyeing Emma, i can see she's getting uncomfortable so, like a good sister I help her out.

"Ummm excuse me my sister has a boyfriend and she's feeling very uncomfortable with you staring at her chest!" I say trying to be nice and not turn into a bitch.

"Fine then... I look at you" He winks

I pretended to throw up and everyone laughs... Except him.

"Excuse me" I say getting up, I squeeze past the boys.

"Hey there sweetcheeks" he says getting close.

I put a finger on his chest. "I have a boyfriend as well..."

He rolls his eyes. "Which one of these dorks is it?"

I look at him, shaking my head, right he is obviously wanting me to be a bitch.

"These.." I say but Calum butts in.

"Ella leave it" He says through is smile.

"No Calum," I look at the waiter his name tag "Harry is being an asshole to my friends, these boys are amazing, they are on tour, they have millions of fans and what are you doing, flirting with girls you will never EVER GET WITH!!" I cough, "Just get us our orders"

He looks stunned so I just turn him around and push him away. Everyone looks at me with an O shaped mouth.

"Damn Ella." Michael says, then everyone laughs.


We were walking back to the hotel the boys were staying in.

When we arrive to the lobby of the hotel Emma says:
"Umm guys I'm gonna go back, I feel really bad about the fight with Jason, come on Ella" she says holding out her hand.

"Oh Emma could I... possibly... stay?" I ask, not sure what she will say.

"Of course.. I don't want to ruin your fun." she smiles and hugs me and whispers I love you I'm my ear, we pull apart.

"I love you more" I kiss her cheek. "Goodluck with Jason!"

"Thanks. See you later."

"You really wanna stay with us?" Ashton asks me, they all looked surprised.

"Of course" I smile.

I catch Calum looking, I make a stupid face at him and he lightly laughs and looks down.

After about an hour of just talking and dancing to music, Michael has an idea.

"Hey Ella do you wanna go clubbing"

I have to think for a while, "I've never been, will I like it" I ask.

"Well do you like music and dancing and getting drinks"

That reminds me of something, I've never had alcohol, Emma has... a lot she got drunk and she cried with happiness because she forgot that she could walk, it was hilarious. But I've never had a drink.

"Ummm okay sure, who else is going?" I look around at the boys shaking their heads, except for Michael.

"Guess it's just me and you" Michael say while linking his arms with me like girls do and we skip out the room and I couldn't stop laughing.

Calum's P.O.V

Why am I jealous? I could've gone with them. I mentally slap myself.

"Calum why didn't you go?" Ashton asks me.

"To be honest I have no fucking clue"

I feel the same feeling I did when she left to go to America....No. I can't like her again cause she's got a boyfriend.

Emma's P.O.V

I get out the taxi and walk in the rain to the front door of the dorm. I walk into the warmth, I go up the stairs to my room, I unlock it surely Lilly would be asleep, it's like 11pm. Oh well, it is Friday so she's allowed to stay up. I walk into Lilly's room.

"Oh ummm hey Em" Lilly says, covering her naked body.

Why is she naked? I know it's hot but not enough to sleep naked... Wait sleep.. The lights are on.

Jason walks out of the toilet in his boxers...

"No... no you... you couldn't..." I try not to cry, I'm strong but I can't help a few tears falling.

"EMMA! CRAP NO IM SORRY" He runs over to me, but I push him back.

"I thought you hated me!" He says to me, "But you came back for....me" He says, sounding angry about the things he done.

"Fuck you" My voice is so dry but I manage to get that out.

"Lilly... what the actual fuck?"

"Emma I'm really sorry"

I cut her off. "Ohhh of course you are lets just forget THAT YOU JUST HAD SEX WITH MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND!" I run out, I have no clue where I'm going, I just run.

It's stop raining outside so I go over to mine, Ella and Lilly's spot, the bench underneath the big oak.

I pick my phone up and call Ella, I scroll through the contacts till I find her and press the call button.
I phone her but she doesn't pick up... weird
I'll call again, stills doesn't pick up. One more for luck, she picks up, YESS!

"Hey Ella" I sniff.

"Oh this isn't Ella this is Luke" he says.

"Ohhh umm d-do you know where s-she is?" I let out a shaky breathe.

"Er I thinks she's out with Michael, are you ok?"

I stop and think about what happened and burst into tears.

"Emma?" Luke asked with concern in his voice.

"My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend" I let out a small sight, at how stupid it sounds but it's true.

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