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Emma's P.O.V

Already two years later. Time flies when you have fun.

Well, not that my life had been fun lately, but yeah, time still flies.

I grab my purse and I wave at my collegues. They have night shifts, but I can go home. I was supposed to work this night too, but my boss said I could go home, because today it's been five years since Ella died...

I walk to the bed of my favorite patient, Mary. She's 16 years and got cancer two years ago.

After Ella died, I continued school and became a doctor at the children-cancer department. When you work here, you get the chance to cheer up all those kids and give them the best time of their lives... That's why I love my job. You see the smiles getting bigger at their faces and they forget that they're sick, because all these kids are. They feel like they're at home.

And yes, we've also lost a lot of kids. And everytime we receive letters from their parents, to thank us for everything we've done for their child.

"Hey girl, how are you doing?" I ask Mary.

"Oh hi Emma, are you going home? I thought you were supposed to work this night." She says with her beautiful smile.

"My boss gave me a night off, since Ella died 5 years ago."

"That's very nice of him... I hope you'll enjoy, despite everything." She says.

I give her a hug. "Thank you. Stay strong okay?" I say to her.

"As long as you will too.." She gives me a blink.

With a smile on my face I walk outside.

I suddenly bump into two persons, Tom and Jason...

"Emma? Gosh, I haven't seen you in so long! How are you?" Tom says while he gives me a hug.

"Hi Em, nice to see you again..." Jason says with a little smile.

I can tell by the way he looks at me, that he doesn't know how to act.

And because I feel sorry for him, don't ask me why, I give him a hug.

His face literally lights up.

"Would you like to have a drink with us? We we're just heading to the bar" Tom asks me.

"I'd like that yeah. I haven't seen you guys in so long." I say and we walk to the nearest bar.


"So, how's life?" Tom asks me after a couple of shots.

"I've had a lot of struggles, but I think I am finally on the good way now. I'm starting to love my life now..." I say with a smile.

"What do you do for a living?" Jason asks.

"I'm a doctor at the children-cancer department." My smile just grow bigger.

Jason looks at me and starts smiling. "You did it... You started to live your dream. I am so proud of you!"

Funny thing is, that it's not even awkward anymore between us... We're just two human beings who had a history together.

"And, how's your love life?" Tom asks.

"How's Luke?" Jason asks with a blink.

"Ehm. First of all, I don't know how Luke is. I haven't seen him in like 5 years. And second of all, I'm single."

Yes, David and I broke up. I came home 1,5 year ago and suddenly all of his stuff was gone. I called him and asked where he was. He simply said he wanted to continue his life without me.

It was a good thing all of his stuff was gone, otherwise he wouldn't have anything left.

"You never had a boyfriend after me again?" Jason asked.

"No, I've been together with Luke for a long time, and after him I met David, but we broke up 1,5 year ago..."

"What happened?" Jason asks.

I start laughing. "Why do you care?"

"Because you don't deserve to be hurt." Jason says.

"Mate, just to remind you, you were the first one who hurt her." Tom says.

"I know, and I still regret it everyday..." He says.

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