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Emma P.O.V

As we walk into school, everyone stares at us. I look over to Ella and sighed.
She smiles at me and I hook my arm in hers.
They have been staring to us since we walked in this school for the first time. We both agreed that we didn't want to be friends with anyone else besides each other. People always come and stand next to us and try to talk to us. We simply ignored them. After a long time, they finally stopped and nobody tried to talk to us anymore.

And the boys. Oh god. They just can't stop staring at us.
It's actually getting really annoying. Not the attention, but our social worker (someone from the orphanage) tells us that we're not allowed to date. We've tried sometimes, but she got so mad at us and she said, if we did it again, we would only get some bread for a month. And well, me and Ella are addicted to food... So that was no option for us.

The bell rings as we're heading to our lockers. We change our books and walk to our classroom. We go and sit at the back of the class, then the teacher starts his lesson .

When the teacher is standing with his back to us, I quickly grab my earphones and Ella gets her iPhone. I plug the earphones in and give Ella one of them. I put the other in my ear and Ella searches for a song. This is our standard thing.

One time, the headphone wasn't plugged in and Ella turned the music on. Green Day blasted through the classroom and the teacher sent us to the principal.

That was the most challenging thing we had ever done. But yeah, we're definitely not doing that again because of ... the social worker, you know, cause she's a bitch.

We often call her Cruella, after the lady with the crazy dalmationaddiction. The social worker is just as scary as her. So let's say we're gonna call her Cruella now.

"Ella, read chapter 15 out loud." The teacher looks at her.

Ella starts reading and I turn the music off. I look outside. The snow is sticking on the roads. It's only a month away from Christmas and it's already snowing. I can't wait till our birthday in Summer. Then we'll turn 18 and we'll be free. We will finally be adults, which means we can leave the orphanage (and Cruella of course).

"Emma, will you continue please?"

I turn my head back and look over to Ella's book to see where she stopped. I continue reading.

The bell rings again, which means the class is over and a new one is about to start.

We walk to another classroom and on the way to it, I see a group of girls staring at us and laughing with each other. I bet they're talking about us.
When we walk past them, I hear one of them whispering to the others.

"Oh look at her, she thinks she's little miss perfect."

Then someone else starts whispering too. "And then you've got her sister, even though they're twins, you can see who's more popular and who's the dog that walks behind."

I feel Ella shrink beside me. She has always felt insecure about herself and she has always told me that I was more popular then she was. I hate it when people say that, and when they say that Ella is just like a dog walking behind me. It makes me so angry, because I love my sister and I let nobody talk shit about her.

I stop walking and I turn around to the girls.

"You know, it doesn't bother me that you are talking about us behind your back, because it's obvious you have no life, but make sure you get your facts right. Jealousy is a disease. Get well soon bitch." I say and I grab Ella's hand and I walk away from the girls.

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