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Luke's P.O.V

An hour later after Ash and me were sent away, Emma walks outside. The look in her eyes is so sad, and so precious. She has been crying for the past hour, I know for sure.

I stand up and I walk towards her. I wrap my arms around her and she starts crying again.

After a long 15 minutes, she lets go of me. She looks at me and she is biting her lip so she won't continue crying.

"Ella... Ella h-" She takes a deep breathe. "Ella h-has c-cancer." She says.

Ashton comes standing next to me and Emma looks at him. He opens his arms and he finally lets her in his life. Emma gives up the lip biting and she starts crying again. She walks towards him and he puts his arms around her. He lays his head on hers and I see the tears in his eyes.

"Thank you." I mutter.

Ashton nods and I rub Emma's back before I go to Ella.

"Are you okay?" I ask while I give her a hug.

She nods. "I'm actually better than okay... It sounds weird, but it's true." She sighs.

"Gladly." I say with a smile.

"How's Emma?" She asks. "Thank you for not telling her by the way."

Yes. I knew it the whole time.
And yes, that makes me a dick for not telling Emma. I know.
But Ella really wanted to tell her, that's why I didn't told her or anyone else. Ella is her sister and she had to tell Emma by herself.

I shake my head. "She's not okay..."

"We already thought so." Ella says. "And how are you?"

I shrug. "I really hate to see Emma this way. I don't want her to cry. But believe it or not, Ashton is comforting her right now."

Ella's mouth drop. "Are you kidding me?"

I shake my head again. "Nope. I think he finally let her in. Because he needs her too, more then he thinks."

Okay, you might think this is very weird to talk about, because Ella is dying... But we already talked about that. Ella wants to be our friend, till the very last day, not a friend who's sick. She doesn't want to be treaten differently now.

"Things will be different, if you leave..." I say.

She nods. "I know. But it was my choice. It was me or Matilda. And I already lived my life."

When I picked Emma up at the airport, she and Calum went to the doctor. The doctor told her she had cancer and she could start the chemo, but that would kill Matilda. The choice was up to her, but she had to make a choice very soon.

She chose Matilda.

The doctor told her that the cancer is everywhere in her blood, but not in Matilda's blood, thank god.
Matilda's body rejected Ella's blood, which is very good.
The doctor said that Ella only has one month to live, which was also good because Matilda would've born already then...

Emma and Ashton walk in.

"Emma..." Ella says and she opens her arms.

"I don't even know what to say anymore." Emma says while she's hugging with Ella.

"You don't have to say anything at all." Ella says and I see a tear escaping from her eye.

She lets go of Emma and she opens her arms for Ashton.

"This was a real shocker, you know." He says. "I didn't see it coming."

"No one saw it coming." I say while wrapping my arms around Emma.

Calum walks in with Matilda in his arms and Mikey walking next to him.

Michael walks to Ella.

"I am really sorry. Your child will not have the gen's of an awesome father." He says.

"Wait. That means I was right? Cal is the father?" Emma says.

Calum nods very proudly.

"Oh my god Cal!!" Ella yells.

Calum walks to Ella and he gives Matilda to her. Calum kisses her and they have a little moment of happiness with each other.

"Why were you crying?" Michael whispers in Emma's ear.

And then Ella clears her throat. "Emma, can you please hold Matilda for me?"

Emma nods and takes Matilda in her arms. She looks at her and she gives her a little kiss on her forhead.

Ella takes Calum's hands. "I have to tell you something. And I'm really sorry for not telling you earlier. I just didn't want you to worry and stuff." She says and she looks at him and Michael. "I have cancer and I won't make it." She says.

And I just hold my breathe.

"You Die, I Die" ~ 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now