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One and a half year later

Ella's P.O.V

I'm lying on the couch, hold by Tom's arms. He fell asleep. We're together now for 1,5 year and now we all are in our last year. In two months, our exams are gonna start.

Tom flexes his muscles and he gives me a kiss on my cheek. Tom turns a bit, so he's lying on his back. I lay my head down on his naked chest and he puts his arm around me. He's warm and I enjoy it.

"Goodmorning beautiful." He says with his cracky morningvoice, which is so hot.

"You wanna do something today?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything and I feel his hand on my back. He opens my bra and takes it off. Now we are both shirtless. He takes a picture and he shows me it.

"I'm gonna post it on instagram... Wheter you like it or not. This picture is hot." Tom says with a smirk on his face.

"But what do you want to do?" Tom says when he posted it

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"But what do you want to do?" Tom says when he posted it.

"Idk, you're the boy, you must set up a date." I say.

"But you're the one who asked me out!" Tom says confused.

I start smiling. "No honey, that was a dream. Now get up and take me somewhere."

Tom looks at me, without any emotions, and then suddenly he starts to tickle me. I start screaming and laughing, because I hate it when someone tickles me

"Admit you sneaked into my dreams and blackmailed me!" He says.

I stare deadly at him and he stops tickling me.

"I hope I don't have to sneak into your dreams..."

"W-what do you mean?" Tom starys playing my little game with.

"I hope I don't have to do much for appearing in your dreams." I say.

Tom starts laughing and he pulls me closer him. He turns right and suddenly I lay on top of him. I look into his eyes and before I lean forward to give him a kiss, he starts whispering.

"You are my dream Ella." he says.

"I love you" I whisper back and I give him a kiss.

Tom's P.O.V

Ella gets up and I watch her walking to her closet, I watch her back, I watch her hair sweeping when she takes a step. I feel the butterflies in my belly. Oh god, I love her so much.

"Hey Ella." I say, "Turn around."

She turns around and I get a good view of her face and her boobs. I start smiling and then she understands what I'm doing. She puts her middlefinger up to me and she opens her closet. She puts on a new bra and a t-shirt. She takes my t-shirt from the floor and throws it to me.

"Put it on, I'm hungry, we're gonna grab a bite." She says.

I don't make any moves to put on the t-shirt.

"If you don't get dressed, I'm going alone!" She says.

I start smiling because this describes her perfectly. If she's hungry, she needs food and nothing will stop her and she won't wait for you. And when she takes one bite of her food, she's happy again.

She's so beautiful to watch, and I'm so lucky to have her, to call her mine. I tell her so many times that I love her, but I'm still scared.

Scared for the moment that I'll lose her, scared for when she finds someone else, someone better then me. But I'm mostly scared for the fact that if she leaves me, I won't have any reasons to stay on this planet anymore.

Because she's the one who saved me. I was planning on commiting suicide. It was on a Monday, the Christmasbreak was over and we needed to go back to school. I woke up that morning, and I decided to kill myself that night. I would go to school one last time and then it all would be over.

I celebrated christmas on my own, because both of my parents needed to work. They don't even care about me. The Sunday before I actually wanted to commit suicide, but Jason called me...

He said that there were two new girls at school, twins. I didn't cared actually, but Jason was really excited. He said that they were from Australia, and we all know that Australiërs aren't ugly. I didn't responded to that, so Jason said that he would speak to me tomorrow. I whispered goodbye, not expecting he heard it, but he did and he literally said this: "No man, I see you tomorrow." And then I decided that I would do it Mondaynight, so I could say goodbye to him.

Well the next day I went to school, hoping that it would be over soon, and then I saw her. I saw Ella and Emma.

I felt an arm around me.

"Aren't they beautiful?" It was Jason.

I nodded, but I was only looking at Ella.

Then she turned around and she looked at me right in the eyes.
And she literally saved my life.

"You Die, I Die" ~ 5SOSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant