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Ella's P.O.V


Emma and I are sitting in our room. She looks terrible. Her hair is almost gone and her skin is very pale. She has crinkles under her eyes and her cheeks are sunken. And her eyes, oh god, her beautiful eyes that were always shiny, are just as sad as her face can tell.

She notice me looking at her and she gives me a little smile.

"If you die. I die." I say suddenly, because I know I don't want to live without her.

"What?" she says.

"I promise you that if you die, I'll die too. I don't want to live without you... I love you, you're my sister!" I say.

"Ella..." She says shocked.

"B-but do you promise the same with me? That if I die, you'll die too?" I ask, worried about the reply I would get.

She looks at me, with no emotion on her face.

"Promise?" I ask again.

"Pinky promise!" Emma says suddenly and she holds out her pinky finger.

I look at it for a while, let out a shaky breathe, then link it with hers.

*End of flashback*

Me and Emma made that promise when we were both 6 years old. And yes we are twins.

We both have black hair and blue eyes. Emma has shiny eyes that glimmer in the sunlight and my eyes looks like the sea.

Do I get jealous of Emma? I have to admit I do sometimes, but what can I say? She has this smile that lights up your whole day. She only has to look at you for a second and you feel loved by her.

It may seem like I hate her, but I don't. I love her to death. Let's just say we've been through a lot. Emma got leukaemia. There was chance she wouldn't make it. I knew I wouldn't be able to life without her.

That's when we made the promise.

Luckily she was a fighter and she survived.

Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself... I'm Ella and I'm 17, I'm in love with a lot of bands; all time low, fall out boy, green day etc. The best thing is my sister does too and we rock out in our pyjamas to their music and it's the best.

We don't know who our parents are. We've never met them. When we were born, they dropped us at the orphanage. So Emma and I have basically spent our whole life together ...just the two of us...

Emma's P.O.V

Hey guys I'm Emma, I'm sure you heard lots about me from Ella. I love her, she may not know it, but I do. Not just because she's my twin and I'm with her 24/7, it's because she's my bestfriend.

Ella and I go to the same school. We don't know why, but we are the most popular girls in our school... Everyone wants to be our friends and stuff, but we don't like it. It has always been the two of us, and there was no reason for us to change that.

Well, hang on for an incredible ride through our lifes.

"You Die, I Die" ~ 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now