You Guys Mean SO Much To Me (Loser Author's Note!)

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ANYWHORE, this is another lame Author's Note, but I hope all of you LOVELY people read until the end.

Moving on..

Where to start. I haven't done one of these in awhile and I knew I should've sooner. I can't thank you guys enough for even glancing at my work in these books I have written.

The reaction, support, and love I've been given by all of you makes my heart want to burst from my chest. I literally get tears in my eyes when I see how much you guys look up to me.

I've had people compare me to Mark and guys have PUT me beside those two amazing guys..that's just...I don't have any words to say to explain how much that means to someone like me. I'm just a nobody, a loser, but you guys make me feel literally like I'm on cloud nine.

I get messages from people saying I inspire them..
I get message from people saying I'm the reason they were encouraged to start writing...
I get messages from people saying they fought through their depression, their suicidal tendencies, their fits of rage or sadness..because of my writing..

That just makes me want to cry out of pure joy. My soul reason to be here writing is help people have that friend, that shoulder to cry on, that hand to hold, those words to read to make their life seem a little less gray.

Just like Jack's quote:
"I hope I can be here,
As a voice
As a friend
While playing games for you
If you feel lonely or
Or anything like that..Jack is here."

Just like that quote, my writing is here for you, I AM here for you. Each and every one of you. So what if I don't know you? You're already a friend of mine, no matter what. Just like Mark and Jack, I will always believe in you and I will always be here for you.

Agh, I'm getting so mushy. I'm sorry. XD Outside of this amazing community, no one really talks to me. Some days it's hard to even get through the day. I'm not a very social butterfly, scratch that, I'm as Anti-Social as Dan Howell. I feel alone outside of this website.

As soon as I open this app up though, everything else goes away. I let doesn't take long for me to start smiling and forget about everything else going on in my life.

Because of you guys..

I can't even fathom the amount of love I get from you lovely Book Worms. The fact that you guys call yourself my fans, is so amazing. You have no idea how happy that makes me. I've never had anything like this..EVER. And it makes me believe I can make it. That we all can make it.

The fact that some of you get overwhelmed when I respond to your comments or messages, makes me smile from ear to ear. You guys look up to me, you're inspired by me? I don't deserve any of this, I'm just a stupid girl dreaming to be a professional writer. You guys make me feel more special than that and I can't ever thank you all enough for that.

Thank you, thank you, thank you...<3

None of this would have been possible without each and every one of you lovely people. So, really, thank you all so frickin much. You make this ZombieChick smile more than anyone else could ever do.

Before I end this, an idea popped into my head:

Would any of you like me to do maybe possibly a Q/A video?

I could put it in a chapter in this book. I would answer any questions you guys want to ask. It doesn't even have to be relevant. It can literally be:

"If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?"

"If you had to eat your own foot or a cat, which one would you do?"

"What's your favorite kind of pie?"

Or it could be about my writing and how my weird ass mind works when I write these stories.

Like I said, it could literally be ANYTHING you would like to ask me. And I could do a video and upload it on here.

If not, that's totally fine. It was just an idea that came to mind.

So, if you guys would possibly like that, then please comment questions in the comments on THIS chapter!

Now, back to the important stuff!


I'm actually hoping one day, I could meet a crap ton of you guys at a convention or Pax or somewhere. I'd love to meet you lovely people, give you all real hugs for being so AMAZING! I'm tall and lanky af, just like Dan and Phil and Jack, so my arms are terrific for hugging!

For now, it will have to be a virtual hug!

*gives every single one of you the coziest, warmest, hug EVER!*
*launches Septic Sams and Tiny Box Tims out of cannon* LET IT RAIIINNNNNN


~ZombieChick130 OUT~
~Stay Strong, Lovelies!~

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