"Right lets get out of here," I said looking at Liam. "Take me home please."

"My pleasure," he said with a wink and a smile.

"My turn," Marvin whined to Joe.

"Ok, hold on," Liam said. Helping Joe remove the sling and fastening it to Marvin.

My heart dropped, Marvin was smaller and like lightening when he saw something that took his interest, he would forget about her and leg it after something.

Liam sensed my anxiety as Marvin turned his back to let him secure it. Liam shook his head as if to reassure me.

Marvin was secure and put his jacket back on folding his arms securely around his sister. Kissing her tiny head and rocking side to side. He was soothing her, she was still out for the count but he was loving it. He put one hand up to take Liam's.

I stood and Joe took my hand nodding at his Dad. Obviously he was being the 'man' again. Liam grabbed my bag of things and flung it over his shoulder.

"Lets go home, Family," he said with a brilliant smile.

Alisha let out a whinge and Marvin rocked side to side again, shushing her soothingly, "Yeah lets hurry Daddy or she will try to suck my boobies again," he said.

I giggled. So they had a routine with this whole baby swap thing. Cute as hell but still worried me a little. I guess I was new to it. Liam would never put the baby at risk and he trusted them so I did too.

We left the hospital. The fresh air hitting me, I fell asleep in the car on the journey home, it was only five minutes away.

"Shannon," Liam called, "We are home. Come on lets get you to bed."

"No I want to see everyone," I said half asleep.

"A quick nap won't do you any harm and you are exhausted, please just have a quick nap. No one is here yet anyway," he said.

"Ok but what about the boys and the baby?" I asked.

"I am their father, I can look after my own kids," he said.

I smiled as he helped me out of the car. I looked at the boys running off into the house. Liam lifted Alisha's baby seat out of the car. She was still asleep. Did this child ever wake up?

As I went into the house I notice everything was unpacked. Last time I had seen it we were moving and there were boxes everywhere.

"Straight up to bed," Liam said. I wasn't going to argue I was shattered.

I walked slowly taking each step tentatively. Liam was behind me.

"Take your time," he said when I tried to speed up.

I turned to walk into our room.

My breath catching. He had decorated it. It had the feature wallpaper I wanted on one wall and the paint I wanted on the others. The bedspread was one I had loved forever but could never afford.... Who... how did he know?

"Louisa and Cilla?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, I didn't know what you wanted and they said they would handle it. Jim is a decorator and he did the whole room in a day. Cool huh?"

"It is beautiful, Do you like it then? Not to girly?" I asked.

"No it is very coupley," he said smiling. "You have great taste babe."

"I know, I chose you didn't I," I reminded him with a grin.

"I thought I chose you?" he said challenging me.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя