KISMET Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Such strange dreams, I could hear people calling my name but I couldn't open my eyes. It was like when you wake up sometimes in the middle of the night and you panic because you can't get your body to move. Sleep Paralysis they call it.

I could hear them, they were having full blown conversations around me and I couldn't open my eyes.

Wait what were they saying?

"Now we have taken her off the ventilation unit and she is breathing on her own, which is fantastic. She is recovering quicker than expected but we can not rush things. She needs to rest and although we have stopped administering the drugs to keep her asleep it is imperative that she rest. It is also important that you rest as seeing her family upset or tired could cause her distress and we don't want that. I understand that you don't want to leave her longer than you have to but she will not notice. She is asleep and should that change we will call you immediately."

"I'm not leaving her, I don't care you what you say," Liam said.

"You have sat with her for over a week now, you have only left to go see the children once a day for an hour. You make sure during that time she is not alone, you call and text whoever you have left to watch her to make sure she is ok. I understand that you experienced a very traumatic event but...."

"But nothing...," Liam snapped. "Did the love of your life die after giving birth to your child?"

"Liam," Tyson said. "Sorry Doctor he is tired but you are wasting your breath he won't leave her."

"I am just suggesting that you take a little more time to rest yourself and see your children. You have a new born baby. Spend some time with her. She needs to bond with you and that won't happen if you are never there," the doctor said. "I am only saying this for your own good, it will do Shannon no good to wake up and see you run into the ground."

"He is right Liam, she will go mental at ya," Tyson said.

"I don't care, I want her to wake and go mental at me. I'd take that over this any day," Liam said.

"Well just think about what I said, you need to get more rest Liam so you can help her when she wakes," the doctor said.

I felt a sharp pain on my right hand side. It shocked me. My eyes fluttered open, so heavy as I fought to open them.

I saw Liam, Tyson and the Doctor at the end of the bed.

"," I whispered.

His head spun around to look at me and as he realised I was awake he ran to my side.

"Hi babe," he said his eyes scanning my face in amazement.

"Hi," I whispered exhausted. "Rest," I told him.

"Ha ha I told you she would wake and ball you out," Tyson said coming to my other side.

"Hi," I whispered to him too.

I closed my eyes exhausted and became overwhelmed with grief. I had no idea what was causing it or what had happened to me. Silent tears seeped through my tired eyes and ran down the side of my face.

"Don't cry," Liam said stroking my tears away. "Please don't cry, it's breaking my heart to see you sad," his voice struggling to hold his resolve.

Last time his voice sounded like that I was... what was I doing... erm... god I can't remember... erm... I was... trying to breath and all around me was chaos and the Doctor said something about not crashing and Liam.... Begged me not to leave him.... Oh shit...

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now