KISMET Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

"Hello Doctor, I am Shannon's father. Liam is inconsolable at the moment as you can understand but if you could explain exactly what went wrong it may help because at the moment he is blaming himself."

"Yes of course. Well as Liam was aware your daughter was anaemic during her pregnancy and also had a fall which cause her to have a placental abruption which presented itself during a long and arduous labour. Your daughter was already very weak and that, on top of the labour and the surgery to deliver the child all culminated together and resulted in a development of fluid on the lungs which made it impossible for Shannon to breath and as she was already so weak her heart stopped. If it is any comfort to you all she was heavily sedated with pain killers so unaware that she was haemorrhaging internally and not in any pain. I was present in the room myself before she became unwell and she presented no symptoms during that examination, I listened to her heart myself. She was happy enjoying the time with the children and in goods spirits enjoying a quite moment with her fiancé when it happened."

"Thank you Doctor. I'm going to see how my wife is doing. Here is Liam's father now, Bob this is the Doctor."

"Hello Doctor, you will have to forgive me I am still struggling with my emotions at the moment."

"That is perfectly understandable. I have just explained what we believe happened and I am happy to explain this to Liam if you wish to help ease his burden."

"Thank you but at the moment he is not communicating with anyone, even his brother can't get through to him and they are joined at the hip. We have taken the children home and my wife and I will be taking the baby with us shortly...... I am sorry.... " Bob said as his emotions got the better of him.

"I will arrange the papers for her release to you, if you would all like to wait I will be back shortly with the documents and her antibiotics. She will need to complete the course as she potentially swallowed Meconium during the labour, when a baby has a bowel moment in the womb there is a chance that some of it became aspirated into the lungs. As such you should keep an eye out for any symptoms like fever, chest sounding raspy. Anything like that."

"Ok thank you Doctor," Bob said. "Here is Tyson now. How is he?"

"Not speaking, he wants nothing to do with the baby, I think he is in shock," Tyson said his face full of pain for his brother.

"That is understandable, I can prescribe a sedative for him if you like?" the Doctor offered.

"A sedative won't help, he wants Shannon," Tyson said his own words overwhelming him and reducing him to tears. Bob pulled him close and patted his back.

"Its ok son let it out," Bob said, "It is a shock to us all."

"I don't know how to help him Dad and I know it sounds selfish but I am terrified too as Louisa is due to have our baby and I can't bear to even think about it," Tyson said crying.

"Every birth is different and Shannon had a few underlying issues. I am sure your birth experience will be very different," the Doctor.

"Yeah but even then, I don't feel like we can celebrate the birth of our child after this, it would feel wrong," Tyson said wiping his tears on his sleeve.

"We are celebrating the birth of Alisha and your child when the time comes," Bob said.

Tyson nodded.

"We are taking Alisha home and going to give her lots of love and cuddles, that is what Shannon wanted. Liam told us she said before she went into her C Section to give the baby lots of love and cuddles. That is what we are going to do. Liam will come around but at the moment he is lost to us and in his own private hell. All we can do is be there ready for when he needs us," Bob said.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now