KISMET Chapter 30

Start from the beginning

"Look I think it is best if I have a chat with Liam and help him understand what went wrong. It might help him if I shed a bit of light on what happened," the Doctor said. "Where is he?"

"Erm stood staring out of the window where he has been since it happened," Tyson said.

"Ok I will talk to him alone," the Doctor said.

"Sure thing Doc but if it doesn't work don't feel bad, Liam went through a very traumatic childhood and he has a way of shutting off the outside world when he doesn't like what is happening around him. It is like a safety mechanism," Bob explained.

They walked to the room and Bob called everyone out as the Doctor walked in and closed the door.

"Liam," he said and watched as Liam stared out into space. "Can we sit down please? I need to talk you about what happened to Shannon."

Liam's head turned at the mention of her name. The doctor signalled to the chairs. Liam walked over and sat down.

The Doctor explained the same things he had to Shannon's father.

Liam put his face in his hands and his shoulders shook as he cried heartbroken.

"It is my fault," he said.

"No," the doctor said placing a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.

"I got her pregnant...,"

"Yes but look what you got out of it, what did Shannon call her 'the most beautiful baby ever, a little porcelain doll' and said she would do it all over again if that was what you got at the end of it."

Liam sobbed as he nodded in agreement with the doctor.

"I will need you to sign the release form so your parents can take the baby home. Are you sure you don't want to do that yourself?"

Liam shook his head.

"You need to focus on the children too Liam, they won't just disappear, they are your family. Think about what Shannon would want. She wouldn't want you sitting here blaming yourself. Think back on how happy she was just moments before when you were kissing and the boys were pulling faces saying 'they are at it again, they kiss all the time'. The boys were loving their little sister and ok the smallest of them was upset about her being born with a penis but Shannon loved that."

Liam nodded. He stood up and walked over to a tiny sleeping Alisha and lifted her up. Holding her to his chest as he pressed his lips against her head. Taking a deep breath.

"You smell like your Mummy," he said tears spilling down his cheeks like rain on a window.

"I'll get the paperwork," the Doctor said.

Liam nodded as he closed his eyes and breathed in the babies scent once again.

No one entered the room they just stood outside letting Liam have his moment with his daughter before they took her home. Liam took the baby's cotton hat off and kept it as he watched everyone leave. Except Tyson.

"You go home and see Louisa," Liam said.

"No I want to stay with you," Tyson said feeling pulled between the two.

"I am ok," Liam said as he packed Shannon's things.

"Well obviously not," Tyson said, " How could you be, I'm not!"

"Tyson if the roles were reversed I would be wanting to stay here with you too and then a huge part of me would be wanting to run home and hold Shannon and never let her go. All I'm saying is that it is ok to go, I understand. The kids have probably run her ragged by now."

"No last I heard they were sitting in bed watching Jungle Book and the boys were doing their own performance. Marvin was Mowgli and Joe was Baloo with a cushion up his top." Tyson said.

"Well at least go ring her," Liam said.

The door opened and the surgeon entered.

Liam and Tyson stared.

"She has survived surgery but she is not out of the woods yet," he said. "She is very weak and there is a long fight ahead so we have her in a drug induced coma to allow her body to attempt to repair itself. She has lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. She will be kept in Intensive Care and closely monitored. Do you have any questions?"

"Can... I... see... her?" he asked "Even just for a second, I won't touch her. I just need to physically see her. Even through a window. Please just two seconds," Liam said as tears filled his eyes as he pleaded and looked intently at the doctor.

"I'll see if I can arrange it, but you need to be prepared she is going to be hooked up to all sorted of machines and we are still breathing for her. You can touch her and talk to her as she will be able to hear to you but no more than two people at a time. I assume the baby has been taken home."

"Yeah my parents have the children," Liam said.

"Ok we are sorry to have to do that but hospitals are full of germs and no place for a new born to stay if there is an alternative."

Liam nodded in agreement.

"Well go get yourselves a coffee and then come up to ICU and she should be ready for you to sit with her then. Remember what I said she is not out of the woods yet, she is a very poorly young lady who is on a knifes edge so if you see anything you are not sure about you raise it, as the sooner we get her back in surgery the better her chances of pulling through."

"I don't know how to convey how I feel at the moment but thank you," Liam said. "Thank you so much."

"I don't know where she is getting the strength from but she is one hell of a fighter," the surgeon said.

The surgeon left and Tyson and Liam hugged each other both in tears.

"She is fighting like I asked her too," Liam said to Tyson shaking his head in disbelief. "She died right in front of me on that bed and now she is alive."

"She has a lot to live for," Tyson said patting Liam on the back. "Come on lets go phone everyone and tell them the good news and get that coffee before we go see her."

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now