Twenty eight: Too late to apologize

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--- Your boyfriend Childhood best friend Hailey Baldwin, tells Justin that she caught you kissing another guy. And not just any guy, but one of his enemy, Charlie Puth. And she even shown him the "receipts." But little does he know, Hailey have had a major crush on him since high school and would do anything to ruin the strong relationship between you and Justin. Even if it means lying to his face.----

"But how could you take her side!?"

"Because she's my best friend and I know she would never lie to me about something like this!"

"Well guess what dumb ass. She is!!"

"How (y/n), HOW?? She has proof! Fucking proof that clearly shows you kissing that other guy!!"

"That's because she photoshopped it! Like, how much times do I have to tell you this??"

..... "you know what (y/n), just leave.."

"Justin please-"


........ "Fine."


2 months later

"Okay guys time for bed." I say as I bend to pick the kids toys up from the living room ground.


"Don't 'awe" me. Go get your ass ready for bed." I say with all playfulness gone from my voice.

"Okay..." They both say and walk off to bed.
I sigh and shake my head as I continue to clean up the rest of the house. My parents are on an three week anniversary trip to the Caribbean and have asked me to babysit my two younger Siblings, Jerry and Fey, until they both come back and of course I said yes.

After I was done cleaning the living room, I turned off the tv and lights then made my way towards the stairs to go to bed. But before I could even take my first step, theres a ring at the door bell. I groan in frustration.
Who the hell could be ringing at people's door bell at this hour?? I walk over to the door and open it, but when I got a good look at who it was, I immediately regretted opening the door.

"What the fuck now." I hiss with hate poring through my words.

"Just please, for ones just listen to what I have to say." He almost sounds like he's begging. But I laugh at him.

"And why should I listen to you? It's not like you took the time to listen to what I had to say."
He was about to say something but I cut him off with a hard stare. "You didn't even take the time to listen to what I had to say, but instead you've got plenty of time to listen the bitches and hoes."

"(Y/n) please don't be like this."

"Be like what!"

"Cold." He says and his eyes looks red but I don't give a fuck. He sighs and runs his hands through his hair. "(Y/n) For the last time she's gone! I'm sorry I listened to her, I'm sorry I let her fuck up an amazing relationship like ours. I'm Sorry I kicked you out, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, I'm sorry!" At this point he is on both his knees looking up at me.

Justin Bieber interracial imagine'sWhere stories live. Discover now