Eightteen: Young love

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I was just sitting on my couch eating some chips until I heard my phone vibrating in my adidas track pants pocket. First I considered ignoring it because I'm not in the mood to talk to whoever it was on the other side of the phone but then I found my self reaching in my pocket, taking my phone out and checking the screen to see who it was, that was interrupting my lazy day. When I looked I saw that it was my friend Jazzy, and I press answer.

"Hey bitch" I said in an low tone

"And hello to you too hoe. Soooo are you ready for the movies? Because I'm already on my way to get you."

My face screwed in to an confused expression. Movies? What does she mean by movies? I thought to myself until it finally hit me. My eyes widen as I remember the plan that me and Jazzy made, to go to the movies and see "50 Shades of Grey." As the realization finally set in I say "ooooh, yeah"
out loud.

" Danny don't tell you forgot and are you even ready?? because I'm almost at your place."

"Girl please how could I even forget? We've been planning to see that movie for like two weeks, so how could I forget something like that?" I said while scratching the side of my head as I gave out an nervous laugh.
"And Jazzy of course I'm ready" I said while looking down at my dirty track pants and none covered chest with chip crumbs all over me.

"What ever girl just be outside by time I get there okay? Bye."


After the phone call ended I then rushed up stirs into my bed room to get ready. I didn't bothering to take a shower because I have no time for that. When I was done getting ready I then went into my moms room to wake her up and ask her for some money.
She ended giving me about 40 dollars and I was satisfied with that. I then rushed down stairs and waited outside, just like Jazzy said.

Not too long after I see a black BMW pull up in front of my house. I look up and I see Jazzy in the passenger seat waving excitedly at me. I run up to the car and get in the back seat. While I was putting my seat belt on I didn't forget to be polite and greet Jazzy and her mother.

"Hey Jazzy Hey Jazzy's mom" I said with my head down still trying to get the seat belt to lock and when it finally did I then sat up straight only to be greeted with brown hazelnut eyes staring at me.

"Jazzy's mom?" He said with a chuckle.

"Oh, shit Justin I didn't realize you were here my bad"

"Ahahah, really Danny? wow" jazzy says while laughing

"Ugh, shut up I wasn't paying attention" I said kind of annoyed of Jazzy's teases. 

"Don't worry Danny it's fine" Justin says and gives me a wink. He then turns around to the front and starts the car.

Jazzy never told me that Justin was going to come with us like what the fuck? I shake my head ugh, this girl I swear. You see, me and Justin has a little... Err, history? Okay so me and Jazzy have known each other for a long time and when I say "long time" I mean we go way, way back. And sometimes whenever I'd go over Jazzy's house Justin would be there and the entire time he's there I'd just staring at him. I wouldn't even be paying attention to some of the things Jazzy be saying because Justin would be so damn distracting for me.
But sometimes he wouldn't be there, because both his parents are not together and because of that he lives with his mom Pattie and Jazzy lives with her mom Erin.
But one day me and Justin were just hanging out, outside on the porch  with out Jazzy and Justin made it slipped that he actually likes me and I told him that I liked him too. And from there we stared a little secret relationship. It lasted for like a year in a half until we called it off because we knew that if someone ever found out about a 14 and a 18 year old being in a relationship we would be so screwed. And I haven't told Jazzy about any of this until a month ago. When I told her she was pretty pissed at me and Justin for keeping something like this away from her for so long but then after a while she got over it.

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