I looked at the text and showed Jenny. Jenny was having a holiday romance so was keen to stay over. The lads agreed and seeing as they were with us all the time anyway they just crashed at the Villa with us instead of booking into a hotel. Return flights were cheap and we were having a ball.

I text back Tanya and said tell Mick I'm staying.

She text back.

Hey it's Mick, more bikini shots, action and adventure, drink races, stupid drunk games.... come on girl. It is killing him! He asked when you were coming back. I didn't let on that I knew what had happened. I just said I don't really know as last time I spoke to you was before the party that you never turned up to and then you got an offer to good to refuse on your mates villa so called in to book holiday. He doesn't know I have seen you. No one else knows about you and him, apart from Tanya and she would never say anything so he is non the wiser to the little game. Oh and get a tattoo even a fake henna one in a special place!

I squealed with excitement - I loved this game. One of the guys we were with was gay as the day, we had become very close as he had just split from his boyfriend and was upset coming on holiday without him. I had told him about Liam and the game Mick and I were playing. He was as most gay blokes are these days - bloody gorgeous and well preened. He put on a good show with me in photos sitting like a couple. There were a few close up shots of him kissing me, when in fact he was pouring a shot from his mouth into mine and when it dribbled down my neck he titled me back and licked it off so as not to waste the booze. It was a great shot as I was laughing hysterically and he looked very erotic and gorgeous. I had a fake tattoo painted on at a parlour but made the guy in the shop hold the buzzing stick thing to me as I pulled a face making out it was real. It was a star tattoo with swirly bits coming from just below my knicker line and over my hip. The guy in the shop made it look red around the edges for effect as he said it had to look real which meant it had to look enflamed.

I sent the pics to Tanya along with the ones of us white water rafting, bungee jumping off a bridge and cliff diving from a water fall into a pool.

She text me.

Oh my life you wild bitch! Mick said Liam asked how your holiday was going and he told him it was going so well you had stayed on another week and he looked a little gutted. He showed him and Dave the new pictures but didn't stop to see the reaction as it would have looked to suspect. When Mick returned later Dave mentioned the Tattoo and Mick just laughed and shook his head saying 'Typical Shannon' and he couldn't wait to see it. Dave asked who the bloke was you were kissing and Mick said 'Dunno, some holiday romance. Good looking bloke though ain't he. No wonder she's not rushing back to this dump.' He thinks maybe Dave is spying for Liam. See ya soon babe!

I read the text as we were getting the flight back. I couldn't give a toss. I had a brilliant holiday which I wouldn't have taken had it not been for Liam dropping me like a hot potato. So I was grateful. I was going to get on with my life and treat him like any other one night stand. It was just lust!

As I got home and opened the door I picked up all the mail. Walked into the kitchen and dumped it on the table. A short while later the door bell rang.

It was a delivery man, I answered the door. It was a florist he carried in the flowers for me as they were in a vase and heavy. I signed for it and he left. I went in to see who they were from. I pulled back the wrapping and the vase was filled with coffee beans and beautiful flowers. The card was plain. I opened it.

'I'm an idiot, forgive me. Coffee?'

My heart raced as I sat holding the card reading it over and over.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the picture I had taken of him asleep in my bed. I had snuck a peak at it so many times on holiday that I felt ridiculous.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now