Ray: No, im not going to leave u, Saph. ever.

Saph: <3

Ray: <3

Saph: Do u think there could be anyway I could come with you ?

Ray: Like, come stay with us ?

Saph: Yea ?

Ray: Would ur parents let u ?

Saph: Yea

Ray: Aightt, well I gotta checkk with Keisha.

Saph: Okay. :)

Ray: Well, imma go see wut happened, kay boo ?

Saph: Aight, baii ! <3


I paced back in forth in the room, completely planning everything out before I went and told Keisha the news. I knew this plan definetly wasn't perfect- it was hardly good- but it would keep everyone together.

It would keep Roc and I together.

I ignored Roc's million questions and made my way to Keisha, slowly and carefully opening the door. 

Keisha paced around the living, looking very similar to how I looked a few seconds ago- stressed, worried, and deep in her thoughts.

I interrupted those thoughts, though, to tell her my somewhat genius plan,

Me: Keisha ?

Keisha: Hmm ?

Me: I think I have a plan,

It was a bit frightening, actually, to see Keisha's reaction to those few words. She gasped it, sucking two thirds of the air in the room with her. Her eyes brightened, with a excited look it them. Well, a bit crazy look, too. She threw her arms in the air, and took a huge leap closer to me. She smiled from ear to ear and leaned in, waiting for me to tell me plan. As if I was going to whisper my plan instead of just staight out telling it to her.

Keisha: Oh, Lexi, that would be AMAZING ! What's the plan, girl ?!?

Lexi: Er, well... Since my mom and my sister are staying in Milan for the summer, they have two houses there. 

Keisha: Hold, up- TWO houses?

Lexi: My mom's a spender..

Keisha nodded slightly in understanding.

Keisha: Ahh..

Lexi: So, I could ask my mom and see if we could stay in that house, since they're only staying in the one house, my sister and my mom, I mean.

Keisha: Oh ! Could you really get that house for us?

Lexi: Sure. I mean, it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

Keisha startled me when she held me into a tight- and sudden- hug, and squeezed me almost breathless.

Keisha: Oh, Lexi, you are AMAZING ! I wouldn't even mind if you just stopped and married Roc right here !

I laughed at the thought of that, and smiled in the inside, thinking about being able to spend my entire life with Roc...

Keisha: So, you talk to your mom about that, and I will go get the boys ready. We'll get everything packed, and hopefully you could get us to leave sooner?
I nodded, trying to look as supportive as possible.

Keisha's excited look melted into a touched one.

Keisha: Thank you, Lexi. For everything. You're a hero.

Lexi: No problem.

Keisha's mouth twitched, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she whipped out her Blackberry, spun on her heel, and walked away. She dialed in a number and began talking into the phone. I took a deep breath, and began making my way back to Roc and the boys to tell them the news, when I Roc's head poking out of the room. Prince and Ray were hiding behind the step railings and peeking.

"Eavesdroppers." I thought, shaking my head, and made my way to my room.

I didn't call my mom like I promised Keisha. I knew she didn't want me with Mindless Behavior, anyways, so she'd just say no. I decided to text Nina. 

Despite the fact that i'd always envied Nina, she was really an awesome sister. She stayed beside me no matter what. She knew I had always wanted to be a model, and she'd tried to get mom to see that, too, but nothing would work. Nina was one of my best friends, but with the whole modeling thing, we didn't really have much time to chill, even if we were sisters. 

I sighed, realizing how long I haven't talked to her. I really hated that i'm finally talking to her again, but it's to use her.

I scowled mentally at myself, and clicked some buttons on my phone until I was sending a message to Nina.

To: Nina

Hey, chicaa. Hvnt txtd u in a whilee.. :( Hows the shoot going ? Im sure u look amazing, as usual <3  I kindaa need a hugee favor from u . Big timee ! Txt/ Call/ Email or w/e ASAP ! Please. <3 Its rly important..

Love Yah Foreverr.

Just a moment later, my phone buzzed and I got a message.


So sorry about not updating. Turns out I was rly busy this weekend :(

 I dedicatee this chapiie to my parents becuz,

My mom watched us and took care of us for the months mii dad was gonee.

nd my dad becuz he FINALLY CAME BACKK ! <3

Yuhh, mii prnts r juzz awesumm like dat ! <3

hahaa, anywaysss..

leave yerr comments belowww nd dnt forgett to VOTE !

The storiie got off of both lists again :(

but im sureee u can get it back up, knoeing wut awesomee fans yall are..

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