He let out a girly squeal as he moved away nearly falling out of the bed. "You're evil," he said. "Stay back Satan!" he growled and glared at me. Sexy, sexy, sexy!!! He was so freaking sexy when he was running from cold things.

"Evil.... no that is not Evil. Evil would be if I did this," I said and flung myself at him.

He scrambled down the other end of the bed as I chased him. I caught him making him squeal again.

"Noooo," he said. "Get off me snow queen!"

"Warm me up baby," I said in my sexiest voice and pouted as I straddled him.

"Well at least one part of you is hot," he said. Nodding down towards my crotch, which was now pressed against his naked body. I hadn't even realised but now I did..... Whoosh I was on fire!

I blushed bright red.

"Oooo you are shy in the morning," he said teasing me. "Cute."

"Shut up don't tease me," I said moving off him and scurrying over the bed to hide under the quilt.

I heard him laughing as he came over and crawled under the quilt to snuggle up behind me.

"I'm sorry, I was only teasing," he said. "Please come out and play," he begged whilst gently tugging on the quilt to loosen my grip. I held on tight. "Fine I will warm you up, come give me a cuddle," he said pulling me around to him. I hid my face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I was never shy... this was new and I had no idea what I was being shy about or how to snap out of it.

"Sorry, I have never been shy in my life before I don't know what has come over me," I whispered. "You probably think I am a weirdo now."

He laughed gently. "Are you saying I am your first?" he teased. "The first to every make you blush, I mean?" he clarified.

I giggled against his chest, "Yeah. Stop teasing me," I said blushing again.

"Yes I did it again... I have the power!" he said triumphantly like He-man.

"Stop it," I growled playfully.

His hand began to slide up the T shirt, "I know I said it looks good on you but I think 'I' would look better," he said with a sexy smile. He pushed it up and over my head throwing it to the floor.

I expected him to kiss me but he didn't. He pulled me back into his arms and gazed at me. Both of us staring at each other in silence, only the sound of our breathing filled my ears in the early hours of the morning.

I think we were trying to suss each other out, as we didn't really know each other at all. All I knew was his first name. He had a meeting with my boss but I didn't know who he worked for or what his job title was, he liked coffee and was great in bed as well as totally hot. Maybe I should have looked through his wallet and phone when I had the chance.... damn why I wasn't I born with a sneaky streak.

I got lost in his beautiful blue eyes. My hand reaching out automatically to touch his face as I laid it against his stubble covered chin. He closed his eyes at my touch. I leant in and kissed him tenderly.

All of a sudden his eyes shot open and he pushed me away. He was out of the bed and pulling his underwear and jeans on.

"I have to go, I am sorry," he said as he grabbed the rest of his things and left. I heard the front door slam as I sat there in a daze.

"What the fuck?" I said to myself and then the rejection hit me, it stung like a shot to the heart and I burst into tears.

What the hell just happened? I lay there in bed crying into my pillow as I started to screaming abuse into so as not to wake the neighbours. "You stupid fucking cow," I screamed into the pillow at myself. "How could you be so fucking stupid," I cried. "You are lying here sobbing over a one night stand, get a fucking grip you silly bitch," I told myself and gave myself a virtual slap around the face.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now