Chapter 30

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I took the pills from Dream. She gave me a soft smile as I stared. I placed a pill in my cup of water. It dissolve without hesitation.

"He's been drugging me?"I asked softly.

She reached into the drawer. She slowly pulled out a knife. I started to get lightheaded.

My body started to go numb as I felt the same pair of arms grab me under my shoulders to keep me from falling.


"DADDY!"I heard a voice shout.

I sat up from my bed. Layla came running in my room crying. I shook my head what do it gotta be this time?

"He gone! He gone!"She shouted.

"Who?"I groggily answered.

"Pup pup,"She whined.

I shook my head and got out the bed. I put on my shoes. This dog done ran away 3 times and we just got him last week. I swear if I can't find him he just gon be lost.

Last time he was at Layla school, the time before that he was under my bed, and the time before that he found his way into Lia purse while she was at the club. That dog is the devil I swear.

"Ima go look for it Lay. Ima drop you off at granny house."


She put her head down and walked away. I shook my head and smiled grabbing my keys off the counter. That little girl is my life.


"Maddy?"Carter shouted.

Her lifeless body lay on the floor in his arms. He looked at his sister who was getting closer to him every second with the knife.

Carter trembled in fear. He never meant to take it this far. He knew his mistakes would somehow catch up to him but he didn't know this soon

"What did you do to her?"He gritted through his teeth.

Dream only walked a little closer. Her brother has caused nothing but hell in her friends life. She was tired of seeing her friend struggle.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?"He shouted again.

His eyes started to become glossy but he wouldn't let the tears slip. He had came such a far way and he wasn't getting pushed back.

"You drugged her! You tried to kill her!"Dream croaked as the tears ran down her face.
" did this too her."

Carter shook his head. He stood up letting Maddy's head hit the floor hard. He grabbed his waistband. Dream only came closer.

She was prepared to die. Her brother has done some foul shit in the past. This one would end just like the other except death.

One of them was leaving here alive. The other was rotting in hell.

Carter pulled out his gun. He cocked it back at her. She didn't do anything but just stand there. His finger inched the trigger.

"I don't..."He trailed off as his finger tapped the trigger.
"I-I don't wanna do this,"He spoke.

Dream shook her head as the tears fell to the floor. She dropped the knife and put her head down on the floor ready to be offed. She knew Maddy was gone. Her panic attack which she just had was one of the most extreme ones.

Dream lost all hope.

King was riding past a nice mansion. Layla had lost her puppy which she had just gotten a week ago. Since this neighbor was close by he decided to stop by and ask if they seen the lost dog.

He climbed out of the car walking towards the mansion. If anything he would to buy this house. It was very nice.

He knocked on the door but no one answered. He was walking back to go to his car but he heard a faint scream.

"I don't wanna kill you!"Carter shouted.

Dream shouted in the pain of her heart soul burning in her last agony. He put his finger on the trigger and closed his eyes. He didn't want to witness the terrible sight that was about to happen.

"Do it already!"Dream cried out.

With that being said, the trigger was pulled. King heard the gun shot and broke the door open. What he saw before him was horrific.

Maddy lay on the ground barely breathing. Dream was suffering a gunshot wound to the head. Carter had the gun to his forehead ready to shoot himself.

"Get out,"Carter shrieked.

King shook his head walking towards Maddy. He pushed Carter out of the way. Carter cried silent tears.

"I hope you know killing yourself ain't gon do shit,"King mumbled picking up Maddy.
He walked to the other side of the room and grabbed Dream's body."I would kill your pathetic ass but I know your dumb enough to do it yourself."

King punched Carter in his jaw. Carter fell back and hit his head on the glass table. The gun accidentally went off and shot him in his leg.

Carter reached out for King to help him. King laughed and turned his back to his enemy.


I ran to the car and put the two bodies in the back. What do I look like going into the hospital with two possibly dead bodies?

The ride was silent. The whole way I was looking at Maddy's body in the back seat. I don't know who the other girl was. Obviously someone Carter was holding captive too.

The doctors didn't even hesitate to get them. The police came and asked me questions. I told them the shit I knew and they said they would ask questions when Maddy and the other girl wake up.

If they do.

All this shit in one day is crazy. It was kinda making me mad. How did I not suspect that the dude was my neighbor... let alone nearly 5 minutes away from my house?

All of this could've been prevented. I gotta stop with these streets. That could've been my daughter in this situation. I laid my hands on my head said a silent prayer.

God I know I don't talk to you often. I just wanted to ask that you protect and watch over Maddy. If Maddy don't make it out of this please send her to you Heavenly Father. If the girl I brought here don't make it out please send her to you too God. I promise Ima get out of these streets God. I want the best life for my daughter right now. I surrender myself to you. In Jesus name I pray amen.

"Company of Madison Royale?"I heard a voice say.

I looked up and saw the doctor. I stared at him for a second wondering and praying that she was ok. It's been hours I've been sitting here man.

"Madison is..."His voice trailed off.

Ain't this some shit.

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