Chapter 24

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Leave and let them be safe


Not leave and they get killed.

Either way he's going to have me. This has been sitting heavily on my mind for a week now. I don't want them to get hurt, but I don't want to leave them either. If I don't leave they will get killed, but if I do I'll never see them again.

Carter and I met when I was 16. He was 17 and magically caught my heart. He was one of the main reasons I moved to Chicago. Carter treated me with dignity and respect. He loved me. My parents weren't in my life a lot. They were in and out constantly. They were both heavy alcoholics and I couldn't take it. The alcohol made me leave.

Carter first saw me when I was with my older brother. He had brought me to this party to hang. Carter had a younger sister my age who came to be a close friend of mine. One day I came over to see his sister, and she wasn't there. Carter allowed me to stay and we got to know each other better.

Then we were secretly dating. Everyday I would go over his house just to see his sister. I got caught though. His parents found out and I was no longer allowed over. Carter got fed up with that. Carter's parents were well known doctors who did a lot of medical work, and made lots of money.

They treated Carter like a child. His little sister got more freedom then he did. He wasn't allowed to go out on certain days, and he had to dress a certain way .Carter couldn't take that and moved to Chicago. I had to wait a year to just be back with him. Of course he called and texted and stuff, but that wasn't enough for me.

Finally he came to his senses and flew me to Chicago. My parents didn't care. My brother was already gone since he had school. My brother moved down to Atlanta to play at UGA. I went all the way from Tallahassee to Chicago. Carter and I had way more freedom then we ever had.

We did more stuff together. We had more fun together. Carter was my boyfriend, and he looked out for me dearly. Then something changed. Carter had started selling drugs. He would come home late at night with presents to make up for the loss of time.

At this time I lost my virginity to him when he was drunk. It wasn't how I imagined it but it was there. Carter decided that he didn't want me to leave him. He got me pregnant on purpose, and I found out but I couldn't leave. I had no way to provide for the baby, and I had got to stressed out because of his decision. I miscarried in the end.

Everytime I ran to Leah and she would tell me the same thing, leave him. I just couldn't and then I was kidnapped by King.

Carter used to be really sweet. The drugs changed him a lot. He is the total opposite of what he could be. He still hasn't talked to his parents and he still hasn't spoken to his sister. I heard she was in a car accident about a year ago, but he refuses to talk to them.

Carter had me on a tight leash right now. What should I do?

Lay hasn't lived life and if he kills her I would be stuck all my fucking life knowing that he did that. King hasn't even done what he wants to do in life. I wanted to stay with them but I couldn't. I had to go.

If I go that mean I'll be back with him and never see Lay again. He will constantly abuse me and buy gifts for me to feel better. He always does that shit. I was really tired of Carter but I have to have strength.

I think I've made my decision.

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