Chapter 4

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I've been walking around this fucking highway for hours now. Honestly I don't even know because my fucking phone is dead. I don't want to ask someone for a ride so I'm trying to travel to the closet fast food chain or some shit.

It was getting dark and I was freezing to death. Why the fuck did I get out of that car? My ass try to rebel to much. Car horns beeped as I kept walking.

"Young lady,"I heard a voice say.

I turned my head and saw a older black woman. She looked to be around 50 or 60.

"Yes ma'am?"I said.

"Get in this car. I don't want to hear any fuss."

She hit the locks and I sighed getting in the car. She started back up the car, and we started to ride. We were in the city which was about a good hour from where I lived.

"What is a beautiful young woman like you doing out here at this time at night?"She asked turning on the exit.

I crossed my arms, "I got put out of the car by a...acquaintance."

King is not a friend. He don't deserve the title either. He let me get out the car, and he didn't even follow me to see if I was alright.

"Let me guess a young man?"

I chuckled a little, "Yes ma'am"

"Where are you from?"She asked.

She was surprisingly pulling into my city so I could tell her where I live or ask for some money. I need to get back to Tallahassee ASAP. Im tired of this shit.

"I'm from Tallahassee."

"Down south, You don't sound like you from here. What brought you here?"She asked.

"A friend. I'm ready to go back though,"I said with a laugh.

"I wouldn't blame you. You have potential. Maybe if you meet my son you can turn his life around,"She turned into a neighborhood.
"You don't mind staying with me tonight? Its around 9, and I can't see on the road at night,"She asked parking in her yard.

"No ma'am, I don't mind at all."

"Well I have a niece your age so I should have some clothes. She lives here, and I think you too would be great friends,"She said turning the car off.

I hopped out and helped her out the car and grabbed the bags from her hands. I saw how skinny and crippled she was .She walked with a cane so all this extra shit wasn't good for her.

Being brought up by a rich black family taught me to respect your elders. Respect is our family key, as long as you can read and write and know how to respect, you can do anything in life.

If only my mother could see me now.

"Girl, you are a guest give me those bags,"She said trying to take them away from me.

"I'm sorry..."

"Call me Yolanda."

"Well I'm sorry Yolanda but I grew up in a well raised family. I was taught we help and respect others who do the same for us. So consider me your help,"I said helping her into the door.

She smiled. It looked like she was about to say something until we heard a dog bark.

"Dimpy! Get right back here!"I heard a woman scream.

A cute baby pug had came running down the stairs. I smiled and rubbed its head. I shut the door and sat the bags down in the small apartment.

"Dim!I told you it was no o-"

I looked up and saw a familiar face. I just couldn't put my finger on it. Who was she?

"Hi, I'm Grace. I'm sorry about Dimpy. She's still learning,"She said picking up the dog.

"Oh Grace,Meet..."

"Madison,"I said smiling.

"Grace meet Madison, Madison meet grace. She was walking around the highway so I picked her up. Tomorrow you can take her shopping. You have a place to live sweetie?"Yolanda carried on.

I shook my head. Knowing that it was set on fire after I had left.

"Well stay here as long as you need,"She took her shoes off.
"Wouldn't she be great of Ace's side?"She asked grace.

"Auntie this girl does not want that wanna be Tupac,"Grace said putting up the groceries.

"I think they would be cute. I'll call him over tomorrow."

"Auntie do not st-"

"It's the least I can do. If you want me to meet your son, I will,"I said helping grace with a smile.

"In the meantime Grace you learn from her. She is a well raised young woman, unlike your hood rat ass,"Yolanda said walking down the hall.

I laughed to myself.

"So Madison right?"

"Call me Maddy,"I said.

"Well, You don't want to meet my cousin. He's a stuck up bitch and don't even get me started on his bra-"

"GRACE!"Yolanda shouted.

"Sorry Auntie,"She giggled. "Have you ate?"

"No,but it's fi-"

"Girl eat this meal. Auntie had cooked earlier."

She passed me a plate of baked chicken with some greens,and broccoli bread. It smelled so good.

"Would you like some wine?"She asked.

"I don't drink. Do you have wa-"

"One Smirnoff coming right up,"Grace said with a smirk.


I tapped my foot against the floor. I have called Amelia asking if Maddy had came back to her house and she said no.

So we lost her, damn. Shit just can't get worst. I took a swig of my water and watched Layla play with her barbies.

"Layla it's time to get in the bath."

"Daddy 10 mo minutes!Pweassess,"She cried.

"Layla you said that 20 minutes ago! Time for bed. We are going to see granny tomorrow,"I said picking her up. "You know the routine mama."

I ran her bath water and put it very low. She likes to make a mess.

Once she had got in the bath and got out, she dried off and put on her pajamas.

"Daddy?"She asked peeking up from under her covers.

"Yes baby girl?"

"Maddy yo gefiend (girlfriend)?"She asked.

"Woah,woah,"I said sitting in her small bed.

"She be my new mama?"She asked with her face lighting up.

"Layla it's time for bed,"I said tucking her back in.

"Ugh!I neve ha a Mama!"She shouted and starts crying.

I crept out the room. It kind of made me sad because this shit always got to me. It hasn't been the first time she said this shit to me.

Damn man.

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