Chapter 25

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Amelia sat in front of me staring at her computer intensely. I tapped my finger along the desk waiting for her to give me some damn answers. Shit has been happening way to much.

Over the past weeks Maddy had been acting weird. Shes been jittery and constantly moving. She also been so lovey.

It's bothering everyone too. Lia has been pissed because she has no one to party with. Well she does have Keyaira but she also wants Maddy. She's been so busy around me and Lay. The other day she took us to the state fair. She took lots of pictures and played games.

That isn't typical Maddy. She likes to chill and talk. Her playing games and riding mad roller coasters is crazy.


"What?"I asked staring at the computer.

The words were coded. I couldn't tell what it was but I could tell it was some type of profile.

"This is bad. This is really bad,"Lia said standing up and typing.

She started to pace the room. Lia gets really quiet when she gets scared. I stared at her. Lia was scared, and I could tell it just by her body language. Her hands fidgeted on the computer as she hit her cheek. Her foot tapped vigorously on the floor and she was pacing, fast.

"Lia what the fuck happened?"I shouted.

"FUCK!"She shouted.

She dropped to her knees and typed fast. I stared at her. She didn't say anything but just continued to type. Lia had on a black shirt that was slightly torn at the bottom. She had on some blue jean shorts and some black converse. Today was her normal day and she actually looked like a person.

Most days Lia dresses is some outrageous shit. The girl dress like a damn hippy. Some days she has on a shirt with these long coats and some shorts with boots. I don't know how it go together but it don't.

She said she's starting trends. I mean I hope that don't become no trend. Its like someone setting them self on fire and rolling around trying to stop it.

Lia was pretty cool. She just needed let's say help sometimes. She been with me since the beginning, and I appreciate that.

She stood back up and looked at the computer with a open mouth. I stood up to look at her and she put her computer down and ran her hands through her hair.

"WHAT IS IT DAMMIT?"I shouted.

"Brace yourself for this,"She said with a worried look."Breathe...Inhale"

I took a deep breath in.



"Amelia!"I shouted.

"Ok damn! I'm failing calculus,"She said with a sad face.

My teeth gritted. This whole time I've been thinking something was going on. She smiled innocently.

"Oh and Carter is back,"She said with a even sadder face

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"Oh and Carter is back,"She said with a even sadder face.

I grabbed my phone, and walked out the office slamming the door.

"A 57 IN CALCULUS! WHAT THE FUCK?"She shouted. "Where are you going we need to talk ab-"

"I'll handle the shit."

He had to talk to her. He had to talk to her. He did talk to her.


I stuffed the last shirt in my bag. My month is over and now I have to leave. I had to protect them. Tears escaped out of my eyes.

Just being here was a blessing. I can't believe that I had to go. Then again this is Carter we're talking about. I grabbed my suitcase and drug it downstairs. Lay was sitting on the couch dressed in her pajamas.

Silently I wiped away my tears and sat beside Lay. She was sleeping peacefully. I picked her up and went to her bed. She stirred in her sleep again. I smiled with tears falling from my eyes.

"Mommy?"She asked.

I shook my head wiping my tears, "No I'm not your mama Lay."

"Why so sad?"

"I just have to leave for awhile. I'll be back I hope,"I mumbled.

"Don't leave mommy! We have so much to do!"She shouted.

"Baby I have to go I'm sorr-"

"I'll drink mo hot sauce."

Gently laughing I remembered the time she drunk hot sauce, and I thought it was the funniest thing in the world. She ran around like she was crazy.

"No baby. I promise I'll be back,"I said patting her gently on her head. "Maybe soon maybe later,"I mumbled.

She kissed me on my head and laid back down going to sleep. I picked up my suitcase and start towards the door. I called Grace and told her I had to run some errand. She said she would watch Lay. I hurriedly and put my bags in my car as she pulled up.

"Where you going? Can you bring back some cookies?"She asked walking in the house.

"Yes Grace I will...Umm I love you,"I said hugging her.

She frowned and hugged me back.

Making this goodbye short I left out. I hopped in my car and started it. The tears started to fall once again and I just couldn't take it. I backed out and started my journey back.


The car pulled up and she hopped out. She slammed the door and pulled her bags out the trunk. I took them from her to be a gentleman.

I had her right where I wanted her.

"I see you made the right decision,"I said smiling.

She scoffed and played with her bracelet.

"Don't worry I got you. We gon make a family. You know you my Beyoncé."

Her smile gently came back as her hands intertwined with mine.

Yep got her right where I want her.

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