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So I wrote all of this on my RW2Q's story

But I will only put a snippet of it on here

If you want the rest please go check out

Random with 2 quarters

So first I would like to start off with

Anyone who disagrees


Black lives do matter and if you don't give a shit

Then don't give a shit off of my story!

Today I heard about Alton Sterling

A young black man selling Cd's

And was shot by a white officer

Well first you should watch some videos I have researched

I advise you don't watch the actually shooting because it scared me and I only watched the first 30 seconds

Today,July 6,2016 I was sitting on my couch watching tv.I scrolled through my YouTube feed because I was bored and saw 'Black On black Crime' (1st video) show up.I thought it was one of those trendy topics so I ignored it.Clicking on my tv the first thing I hear was 'A young black man shot for selling Cd's'.My body froze and I stopped in terror.I watched as they played the explicit video of Sterling getting killed.My eyes bled with sorrow and my heart bled with...terror.I was terrified of the sight I was seeing,the words I was hearing,but most of all the life I watched being taken away right before my eyes.

I watched more and more opinions about it and it really started to fuck with my mind.Realizing my limits as a human being.He sold cd's,a source of income.Just like you have a job,maybe at a fast food Chain,or a teacher,or a law enforcement,or some shit.If you don't have a job you probably will or have so this isn't new to you.My mind started to wonder what if a white person did this?

What if a white person sold cd's?Nothing would happen,in fact people would buy those cd's.What if a white person wore weave?Nothing would happen.In fact people would this it was their hair.So why do we think different of black people?

Why do I get discriminated for the shit I can't change about myself?My skin tone,the way I look,if I grew up with both parents.Why?Why can't I be discriminated on the shit I do.Like college education,criminal records,or fuck it kids?Why do I have to be judged on the shit I can't change?

Why can't the world be one happy place and come together and celebrate one another?Just because I'm a different skin tone doesn't mean I'm not like you.

At the end of the day we're all people,humans,mammals.Even science said we were all the same skin tone in the beginning.

So every race matter.

But right now we need to focus on black lives matter in America because this shit is getting out of hand.

Kidnapped (EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora