Chapter 14

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"Wow chauffeur,"I said looking at the nice limo.

Amelia really had this all planned out. He opened my door and I slipped in being careful to no mess up my outfit. I felt like a queen on her throne. Nobody can fuck with me.

King sat beside me and sighed before putting his hands on his head. Guess he didn't know that he would be going on a date with me. It is what it is. You get what you give. Hell if he getting me he obviously giving a lot.

"Madison!"I heard someone say.

My head snapped up and I saw King with a glass of wine trying to hand it too me.

"I was trying to see if you wanted some wine but never mind. You over here staring at a nigga and shit,"He said taking a sip.

I laughed and gently pushed him. He laughed with me and stared at me. Shit started getting uncomfortable. He yawned and slickly put his arm around me.

"Nigga is you making a move?"I asked through laughs.

He moved his arm and acted like he was scratching it.

"Nah I had a...itch,"He covered.


I say back next to his shoulder and put my perfectly toned legs across his lap. All this chocolate in one night. The limo arrived at this fancy ass restaurant. Bitch I can't be here a white girl might try to snatch these edges of mine. The restaurant was nice though. It was very fancy and high classed.

"Right this way lovely couple,"The waiter said.

King smirked and I raised my eyebrows. He sat us in this table with a chandelier on top and these glass type chairs. This was just extraordinary.

"What may I start you off to drink with ma'am?"They asked.

"Yes can I have lemonade?"I asked.

She looked at me and then looked back at her book.

"Ma'am...umm we don't serve lemonade. On this page it has everything we serve."

"Y'all don't serve lemonade?Bitch it's Beyoncé season, and y'all asses ain't got lemonade. Get out my face,"I waved her off.


"Get out my face."

She scurried off and left just King and I with his Dyckman brew.

King just laughed while I looked annoyed.

"Aye look...I wanna apologize for the shit I done,"He said looking down.

"King you're fine. I'm living the time of my life. I'm spending money, got my baby, and a Escalade,"I smiled proudly.

"Well then."

The next morning...

I woke up to faint snores. Last night was fun. King and I had a great time as friends. He knew his boundaries and I knew mine. I've never been in love and neither had he. I wasn't about to be his first either.

I sat up and checked my phone. No messages and no calls. I got up and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I threw on my go-to outfit. It was a black sweatshirt hoodie, some blue jean shorts, a beanie and my Jordan's. My hair was curled, and I had on my grillz King bought me. Of course I topped it off with my red lipstick.

I didn't have a day planned but I did want to invite some people over. Just another big ole cook out but announcing something special to me. Once I started the eggs King came down looking fine as hell. He had on a button down shirt, black pants, and some black Jordan's.

 He had on a button down shirt, black pants, and some black Jordan's

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"What's for breakfast?"He asked fixing his shirt.

"Eggs, bacon, grits, I got biscuits and some orange juice also,"I said putting the bacon on the fryer.

He grabbed the orange juice and was about to drink from the jug before I hit him with the oven mitt.

"Fuck Maddy,"He shouted.

His outfit now had orange juice running down.

"Don't be trying to drink from the fucking jug! Lay and I have to drink that too!"I shouted.

I threw the biscuits in the oven and looked at him while he stared me down.

"You have a problem o-"

He pressed his lips to mine out of no where catching me off guard. He slid his tongue against my bottom lip asking for entrance and I let him. I started to kiss back as he grabbed my ass and I pulled his head closer.

He sat me up against the counter. He started to rub me through my panties. I moaned into his lips as he pulled away and kissed on my neck.

"DADDY!"I herd lay shout.

I pulled away quickly as Lay stood in shock.

"You say no kiss! No kiss!"She shouted pointing her finger.

"Yeah with the exception of this,"He said gripping my ass.

She couldn't see. I hit his arm and he smirked.

"Come on baby girl you need to get some clothes on,"He picked her up and left the room.

I slid my back against the pantry and placed my head in my hands.

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