Part 8

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A/N Hey, sorry this isn't too great; have been too distracted with work and being sick to think about it for awhile. Hope you enjoy.

They managed to arrive at the interview mostly on time, hair and make-up was slightly rushed but the boys were on stage when needed.

“So, we hear that you have adopted a young girl from the Skelasia institute, what is she like?” the interviewer asked with obvious scorn at the fact Grace was from Skelasia- known for delinquent orphans due to a few who had broken the rules.

“She’s amazing, although we have only had her with us for a day she fits in with us already.” Liam said.

“She is a bit shy but other than that it’s good.” Louis replied.

“She stole my cereal this morning.” Niall said sulking as he thought back to it.

“Sounds like you have had an interesting morning, are we allowed to meet this young girl?” the interviewer asked.

“Sure, if she wants to come out.” Liam smiled turning to look at Grace who was hiding in the side-lines.

Grace hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out whether she wanted to be seen or not but a look from Liam told her it would be alright.

“Hello.” Grace said quietly sitting in the space between Liam and Zayn that they had just made.

“Hi, what is your name?” the interviewer asked looking icily at her.

“I’m Grace,” Grace said timidly, she didn’t like the interviewer and decided to take some of her energy, she was feeling low herself after her short time in the sun. As the interview continued Grace continued to drain energy from the woman, she watched as the interviewer slowly began to droop and the interview was finished early.

“That interview was strange, I didn’t like her though.” Harry said as they walked through the door to their house.

“She was a bit rude to Grace.” Liam said not sounding very happy about it.

“It’s over now, the past is the past.” Zayn replied smiling slightly at Grace before disappearing into his room, most likely to catch up on the sleep he had missed that morning.

“It was fine, now is there anything else that needs to be done today or can we go shopping?” Louis asked. Grace’s eyes lit up at the thought of shopping, at the institute they had been allowed to go out once a month; she had always waited till late at night to go out and wander the streets and maybe sneak into a movie. It would be exciting and new for her to be able to go shopping during the day and with other people.

“Of course, but we have to be home by six as we have another early start tomorrow when we head out on tour,” Liam said happy to go out but also showing his worry about them being organised for tomorrow.

“Tour?” Grace asked confused, she had not heard anything about it yet and so it was a great surprise for it to be talked about so openly all of a sudden.

“Yes, we start a world tour tomorrow,” Harry said excitedly trying to remain steady as Louis had ust jumped onto his back.

“Sounds fun, what time will I have to be up?”

“Four thirty in the morning.” Liam advised.

“Sweet as, I can do that.” Grace smiled before heading towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Niall asked with his mouth full of food that had somehow appeared from nowhere.

“Shopping, I thought heading towards the door would hurry you up.” She laughed.

“True.” Louis said pointing towards the door. “Harry get moving!” He ordered.

“Yes Master.” Harry said and they headed out the door.

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