When I finished cleaning myself up I grabbed my purse and headed towards the entrance of the restaurant. As I stood their patiently waiting for Taemin, I started here some voices. I turned to my right and saw people walking through the entrance with silver cases in their hands. I kind of got the feeling that they worked for the gang Austin was in and soon to be the leader of. My eyes were instantly glued to the cases as they walked past me. It was mostly because I was curious about what was inside of them. Guns? Drugs? Money? More guns? I know it sounds somewhat like I'm stereotyping, but I can't help but think that. I mean I am in a restaurant that is full gang members and business people. What am I supposed to think? That they have freaking party supplies inside those cases....I don't think so!

   As the group of men walked deeper inside the restaurant I took my attention off of them. When I looked in front of myself I saw the very person I was hoping to not see staring straight at me. My eyes widened about 2x their actual size. There Austin stood looking extremely handsome. He was wearing a perfectly tailored  navy blue business suit with black dress shoes, and a light blue tie. His hair styled perfectly to show off his bone structure.

  I stood there not knowing what to do. As he stood in front of me there was no smile on his face....no expression at all. His eyes were glued to my face, but soon ran down my entire body which made me feel uncomfortable. I averted my gaze from him so I wouldn't have to look into those mesmerizing dark brown eyes of his that were dead set on me. 

"I see you are dressed nicely, Alyese. Why are you here?" He finally said. I brought my attention back to him and saw that he was still staring at me intensively.

I wasn't sure if I should tell him that I was on a date with Taemin or not. It wouldn't cause any trouble if I did, right?

" I should be asking you the same question." I replied.

He smirked at my reply and then brought his gaze to the floor then back at me." Well my father rented out this place this evening to take care of some business. Now answer my question." He demanded, but with the smirk still on his face.

It was weird and scary seeing Austin like this. So cold... yet he was being playful in a way.

" W-Well... I am-" Before I could continue my sentence I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I look to my left and saw that Taemin's arm wrapped around my waist while his eyes were on Austin. As I stared at both of their faces I see that neither of them are showing any emotion at all.

"Austin." Taemin stated, his eyes not leaving Austin.

"Taemin." Responds Austin with his eyes still on Taemin also.

After that it stayed quiet, but you could feel the tension in the air. Obviously they knew one another, but by the way they were interacting... I don't think they were friends.

A minute or two later Austin began speaking. " I was hoping that the waiter was lying to me when he stated that a Lee was also in this restaurant." Austin said coldly.

" Weird... I thought the same thing when the waiter told me that a Kwon was here." Taemin stated coldly, with his face still blank and expressionless. Austin glared at Taemin before his gaze went to me then to Taemin's arm wrapped around my waist. 

 I tensed as I saw Austin's expression when he stared at Taemin's arm around my waist. His eyes then met mine and he stared at me.

Austin blew out a breath and his expression changed to a calm yet somewhat angry one." Alyese," He began," You are not here with him, are you?" He asked.

Right when he asked me that I felt Taemin's hold on me grow tighter. 

Why me? Of all the people in the world...why do I have to be in this situation!

I was growing extremely nervous and worried second by second. The aura that radiated off of both Austin and Taemin made me want to quickly get away from them. It was like they were totally different people. Like they were ready to kill someone.

" Yes...I am here with him." I said nervously not meeting Austin's gaze.

Austin's body tensed and he blew out a quick irritated breath. I finally was able to bring myself to look at him...., but instantly regretted it. The expression on his face showed that he was incredibly angry, but was trying hard to hold it in. Austin then narrowed his eyes at Taemin.

"Enjoy the rest of your night, Lee." Austin grumbled irritated before turning and walking away from us. I could tell Austin wanted to say something else, but was holding himself back.


DUN..DUN...DUNNNNNNN!!!! WHAT!? Taemin  and Austin seem to have already met!!!!!!!!!! And seem to not like each other!!!!!!!! MAN... I'm just as surprised as the rest of you guys. Makes me think what else is about to happen in the story!?! Haha!

Well I hope you guys liked this chapter. I was really surprised that I finished this chapter so fast. It was like I already had all this stuff in my brain and just started typing it all out on my keyboard! Tell me what you guys thought about the chapter and the characters so far. Who is your favorite?



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