Alley fight ( 27 )

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Before starting, one small request. I would love to know if you like more of Blake's or Alexandria's POV, so that I can write more of them.


We sat in the car after everyone had left, so we were last ones to hit the main road. We were both happy and laughing over nothing and everything when suddenly Blake's mood shifted from lively to remorse and sad. This change baffled me.

"What happened?" I asked cautiously.

Blake looked at me when the car stood for signal and said "We should break up?" What the f*ck! "Robesphirre will kill you. And I really mean kill. He won't like us being together. Me being happy." he continued.

"Not happening. I like you, Blake. I don't want us to end. We just started dating like what, yesterday night. It's only like 12 hours since then. That son of a bitch shouldn't come between us. Don't you get-" suddenly the car jerked forward, making me stop talking and look forward too. Blake had ended up starting the car roughly. Stupid Blake. Nincompoop. I gave him a look for which he said sorry.

"Don't you get me? I don't want you hurt. Okay, you want this, us to continue, then fine." he said. "You don't think I don't like you, do you?"

"Why would you think so? Blake, I like you and I know you like me too." I answered

"I'm sorry. Can we go on a date tomorrow? Shit, no. That wasn't a good way to ask for a date. First date, that too. And today is Sunday. That means tomorrow is a Monday. I wanted to take you on a date. Sh*t, you know what, I'll shut up." he ranted, I smiled.

"Blake, I'll go to a date you. On Saturday. And by the way, I get it that you're doing this for the first time. It's okay to be a total idiot sometimes, you know." I concluded, winking but realising that he can't see me.

His ear turned pink and the color made his neck completely red. OMG!!! Did he just blush? I kissed him on his cheek out of nowhere, for being cute, yet hot at the same time.

He seemed shocked by my behaviour but didn't complain. "If that's how you're gonna treat me for being a pussy, I expect something better. Like you know..." he trailed off, using one of his hands to tap on his lip, while the other was busy driving.
I just chuckled, thinking about how our date might go.


Next day:

I got up early today and decided to resume my old habbits. Though coffee had never really changed. Not that I expect it to. Coffee is literally like my life saver. A day in my life just can't start without coffee.

When I was around 15 or so, I suddenly had gotten into this habbit of early morning coffee. About 6 months later, Cindy had suggested that I should try going a day without coffee, but that had only ended up in a very grumpy Alexandria and around midday, I had given up and drank coffee. Since then, coffee had become the first thing in my day's to do list.

So ofcourse, I got up and prepared myself for a jog. Basketball practice was gonna begin and I needed to be fit if I wanted to be the captain.

 Basketball practice was gonna begin and I needed to be fit if I wanted to be the captain

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