Basically Asked Me ( 20 )

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We set up our tent soon. I sit down and sigh, "Damn, that was tiring. I just wanna jump in the water now." I said.

"Yeah" and then he, out of nowhere, pulls off his t-shirt. My eyes widen. When his hands move towards his belt, I couldn't resist myself.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"We are going to swim. I don't suppose you expect me to swim wearing my jeans and t-shirt. Do you?" he asked, with that never leaving smirk on his face.

"Maybe I do" I said, naughtiness back.

"How about this?" he asked. Before I could ask what he meant, he stands in front of me, and with a quick move, he had me on his shoulder.

"Oh my fuck. Put me down..." I half whined, half screemed.

"You basically asked me to do this" he replied.

He walked out of the tent, with me screeming for life. George, Ryan, Nico, Justin and Rose came out and started laughing.

"Put me down" I ordered.

"Okay, fine" he agreed. Ofcourse something was wrong. Why else would he agree so easily. Then I saw the creek. God damn it. He planned to chuck me in the water, with my shorts on. Not possible. He has to get his jeans wet too.

Before he could throw me, I wrapped my legs under his arms, around his chest. Don't even ask me how I managed to do so, and somehow we both ended up in the water.

It splashed all around us and the guys had to move away to stay dry.

Only now did I notice that Cindy and Dan were missing. Also, she had called Dan Danny. She used to call him so when they were dating. There is something up with them.

Before I could complete my thoughts thoroughly, Blake said "You so didn't do that. You are gonna get it back, missy. Just wait." and then he disappeared in the tent to get himself dry.

I got out and rushed towards the tent too. It's freaking cold outside.

"Blake, open up. I'm cold" I screemed, hoping he'd open it. But he just replied "Suffer". How did I not see this coming?

Rose then offered me a towel and some spare clothes. Ofcourse she did not offer me inner wear, which meant I was bra-less. When I changed and stepped out of their tent, I saw Blake. He did not see me though.

I hid myself before he could see me. He was searching for me. Guess Rose didn't tell him about me. Yet.

There she comes. She told him something and then he visibly relaxed. He looked at my direction, or at the tent, who knows, and caught me. He smiled, relieved. I knew better than actually going to him and act like I was caught sneaking.

I walked towards him bravely, as if nothing had happened, though I was yet cold and I'm sure my nipples have hardened and seen. I smiled at him, stamped his leg, not too hardly though, and said "You will get it back soon, Blakey boy" and left.

A/N: Super short again, I know. But atleast the update was fast.
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