Telling everyone ( 26 )

27 9 5

Important note:

I have clubbed chapter 17 and 18 to make it longer since chapter 18 is like the continuation of chapter 17.

This note is for only those who have read a chapter called Frish?. The rest of them can ignore this.


I woke up with a start due to the dream I got last night. I didn't scream or whimper or cry like anybody else with a nightmare would. Just rubbed my eyes and looked around. Only then did I remember all the events which occurred yesterday. I almost thought even that was a dream, untill I saw Blake laying next to me. He snored softly, indicating that he was yet asleep.

I opened the zip of the tent to look outside. My phone was in my bag and my watch was with Rose, which I had given yesterday. So the only way to guess the time was nature.

As soon as I stepped outside, I was greeted with a cool gush of wind. The sun was not yet up, but it was not so dark either, so it must have been around 5 o'clock. I should have just gotten back to sleep, but something about the scene stopped me. It looked beautiful around here. You'd never get used to it.

I decided to take a quick dip in the water and then carry on with the day. After looking around to check if anyone was awake, which was completely waste of time, considering the sun wasn't even up yet, I removed my t-shirt and shorts and dived into the water, without testing it's temperature, which turned out to be a huge mistake, since the water was ice cold.

As soon as I came up to breathe, I immediately started shivering. But I was determined not to get out and just swim. And that's what I did, swam without looking at anything.

Soon my body adjusted itself with the temperature of the water. After swimming for about 20 minutes, though I couldn't exactly guess, I looked around to see if the coast was clear to step outside. After all, I was in my panties and bra only.

Thinking that nobody was watching me, I got up and faced the direction of my tent for my clothes, only to find Blake staring at me.

Well, crap!

He smirked and started walking towards me. As the number of steps he takes increased, so did my heart beat. This is the moment I'm most vulnerable. Not being confident about my body is one of my biggest fault.

Once he was standing face to face with me, he said, "You actually swim really nice" what?

"Especially when you wear such stuff" he continued, eying my body which was almost bare. Yeah, there is his cocky remark.

"Thank you. Now, if you please" I said, practically shoving him aside to move towards our tent.

I changed and got back to a fresh pair of jeans and a tank top, not before zipping the tent properly and checking and rechecking it a number of times.

When I got back, Blake had woken everyone up and they were all chatting about something. I smiled at everything and greeted them too. All I wanted to do was pull Cindy aside and ask her what's happening between her and Dan.

I walked toward Cindy and found she was chatting animatedly with George, talking something about her fangirling over animae characters. When will she stop watching those episodes, god knows. Even George was listening to it paying full attention. Once she showed me one of the episodes, but within 15 minutes, I was asleep.

I wished George a good morning and excused Cindy and myself for a moment. When we were behind a tree, away from everyone, I asked "Care to explain what's going on between you and Dan?"

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