Apology ( 15 )

37 9 4

A/N: I got to know that not many people like Blake and Alexandria's kiss. Well, atleast the fact that she was drunk. So here is the reason why I thought it was fine -
1) It's not like it was either of their's first kiss.
2) It would have been too cliché if Blake would have said that he should not kiss her when she is drunk and blah blah blah...
3) Blake is not a gentle man and nor is she a nun.
Anyways, sorry for the note in the beginning of the chapter. You may continue the story --


Today, after I got up, unlike most of the people in the world, I remembered each and every thing I did last night. Though the hangover was the same. My head hurt badly.

Also, what I did last night, kissing Blake, wasn't the smartest move in my life.

The rest of the day, I kept my distance from him. Not that he tried to talk to me. Infact, we were both ignoring each other.

Oh, did I mention all the athletes and players of different games had school today. Just to basically inform us about extra coachings and all starting from Monday, as in, the day after tomorrow.

But by the end of the day, I couldn't control myself. I had to tell him about the man too.

" Um... Can we talk?" I asked him, after the school ended.

"What about?" Blake asked. As if you don't know. Of course I didn't say that aloud.

" Oh you know, last night..." I trailed off.

"You will say even if I tell you not to. So just spill it out." not rude at all.

" Oh come on... I didn't do that wantedly. I didn't wanna kiss you. I really should haven't. Oh god! This is just so embarrassing. Wait, did I say or do something embarrassing yesterday. I don't remember anything so, except for that kiss. Well, don't take the kiss seriously. You know what, just drink some, no wait, a lot of Tequila and sleep off. Actually, I would prefer vodka. No, that will give you a hangover tomorrow morning. Today is a school night. Or you know what, why are we even talking about sleeping? Oh my God, I'm rambling. Just shut up and sleep, Ally. Oh no... This was, or rather is, so embarrassing. I won't be able to sleep without thinking about this. Oh shit, I'm rambling again, oh shut up, Ally" I scolded myself. Aloud.

I didn't even let his speak. Stupid me.

'Yeah, you are stupid ' oh just shoot me now. Mindy is back.

' no Mindy, shut the fuck up. Not now...' I scolded her, or rather, my imagination.

' Sorry ' oh crap. Now I feel guilty.

Wait, I don't feel guilty to ask my imagination to fuck off. Wait, I should just shut up, even in my mind. Yeah, that's the best.

All this while, Blake just stared at me, like as if I was a piece of art, ge was amused with. Also mix it with the expression when you are trying to fix a piece of puzzle. Yeah, that look.

And then, he lifted one of his eye brows up and hallelujah, his signature smirk was back. Note yhe sarcasm.

"I never knew you could ramble, Ally. I didn't expect this from you. And by the way, your apology os accepted." he replied.

"Hey, I wanted to inform you about something." just by the change in my tone, you could understand that the matter is serious.

"What is it?" he asked, worry etched over his face.

" A man has been warning me to stay away from you. I mean, he threatened me after all. He also-"
He cut me off, leaving my sentence incomplete.

" A what? Oh you don't mean it. Wait a sec, was he kind of old looking? With eyes smaller than an ants?" he asked. Wow! Way to describe a person.

" uh... Kind of. He also left a note in my locker saying the same thing. To stay away from you. What's going on?" I asked him.

He started shaking his head, muttering many ' no's and ' that can't be possible ' and ' why again' I didn't understand one shit.

"Can you tell me what the hell is happening here, Blake?" I repeated myself.

" Okay..." he said, doubt of answering the truth clearly visible on his face. " Come to my house. I'll explain everything there" and with that, I followed him all the way to his house.

A/N: I guess, another cliff hanger? Please comment. Keep reading and don't forget to vote. Your votes encourage me to write.


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