Past ( 16 )

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I didn't know why I felt ready to tell her the truth. The truth I had never told anyone. I hadn't even planned on telling anyone. Yet, here I am, sitting with her, on the bed in my bedroom, ready to tell her the complete truth. My past. My horrible, shameful past.

"It's alright if you do not wanna tell me, Blake" she assured. Not that any thing is gonna change now. My decision is fixed. After all, taking risks is life. I will take the risk of telling her my past.

"Look,.I wanna tell you. It's just that I haven't told this to anybody till now. It's just awkward. Gimme a sec."

She held my hand in hers giving me a slight squeeze. Ensuring and encouraging me. This is why I like her. She wouldn't force me to tell her. She would patiently wait by my side.

"Okay, so what to I begin with?" I asked her, confused myself.

"The beginning" she answered, her eyes comforting me. There was no sympathy, but neither was eagerness in her eyes. Like she has seen bad days. Experienced bad time.

"I was very small. Maybe 2 or 3. My dad had cancer and died without treatment. We were too poor to afford it." I started.

" My mom had to re marry. She married when I was about 9.This guy she married, he was good in the beginning. Even after 2 years of marriage. My mom was pregnant by then. That's when good days ended. All happy times were over. He started drinking and used to come home and beat us. Me and my mom used to bear it. We needed hos money for my education. For my future, my mom was ready to spoil her present. And so did she. Layla, my sister, was born then. All the harassment was fine with me, but not with her. She was too small to go through this. She could not manage to go through the pain. " by now, there were teers in my eyes. But I couldn't care.

" It's okay if you stop. You don't have to tell me." Ally tried comforting me.

"No, I want to." I continued " yeah, so she was too young. When I was 12, he hadn't stopped the harassment yet. Layla was almost 1 years. "

"I remember the day perfectly. Like it happened just yesterday. He got home and started hitting my mom for not placing his favourite vase in the angle he liked. Who does that? Anyways, he hit me too. That was fine. But when he turned and called Layla, his own daughter, a bitch, l and stated moving towards her, things got out of control."

" I tried my best to stop her, but he was too strong. He pyshed me aside. I was already beaten up, so I fell easily. My mom shouted, screemed even, but he did what he wanted to. He picked her and... And he... He slapped her. But that's not all. He literally threw her towards my mom. She was late to catch Layla, but his aim was wrong too. Yet, he actually chucked her! How could he? She was his daughter too..." I stayed quiet for some time. I just meeded to calm down.

"She hit the table's edge. Internal bleeding caused her death. The police did not arrest him, though. He was a wealthy man and the got his way out." I started again.

" But, as he killed my sister, I needed revenge. We had shifted towns, but my hopes never went down. The longer the wait, the sweeter the revenge. "

"Does this have anything to do with that man?" she finally asked.

"Yeah. That man, he is my uncle. Supposedly I stole his happiness and ruined his life. That is why, he is hell bent on ruining mine."

"What did you do?" she asked curiously."Does this involve the revenge?"

"No, I had a plan of poisoning him, but he died in a car accident." I replied.

"Would you have killed him if he hadn't died in the car accident?" she asked.

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