Why? ( 23 )

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I ran straight away to Dan, hoping he'd help me. But oh my lucky stars, all he said was 'fuck off. Manage yourself on your own'. He's hell of a best friend.

Much sooner than I'd expected, Blake was right behind me. He caught my shoulders to stop me from running away and turned to look at him instead.

He looked into my eyes and asked "Why?" It was just so sincere, I myself forgot what I had done.

"Huh?" I asked, stupidly.

"I asked why? Did you seriously have to do that to me?" he asked.

That brought me back to my senses. Having him so close was doing it's own magic on me. I was feeling nervous, slighly tipsy and high and those butterflies in my stomach were non-stop flying, as if that was the first time they were flying in millions of years.

I stepped back, so he was not touching me and started ranting.

"OMG... I completely forgot about how hard they could be. I chucked the thorns in your inners for sure, but... I'm so sorry. I thought you'd look at it. I gave you so many hints for staying alert. Yet you wore it? Are you dumb? And I complete forgot about your... Um... Hair...and then it usually gets tangled in hair. It doesn't come out soon. Also, it hurts like hell. How could I actually do that? Or worse, how did you not see that comimg? After all, you did chuck me into water without thinking twice. Yes, I got you in too, but I would have gone alone if I wouldn't have pulled you in. And then you left me outside to freeze to death."I finished.

"Wait," he said, a small smile tugged on his lips. It was obvious he was suppressing a smile.

"You did not actually think about my hair, did you?" now he was full on grinning. "Seriously? Come on! Hair?" and there, he started laughing. Like the full blown out laughter.

I stood there, completely baffled. He was laughing. More over, I was alive. What the hell?

"Are you... Did you check your... You know?" I asked.

"Of course I did. I am not dumb, after all. But seriously, hair?" and he was laughing again. Hm... After he sobered up, which was after 10 minutes, might I add, I asked " So you're not pissed?"

"No... That was just plain hilarious" he was grinning like a kid on Christmas.

"Come on, let's get get going. They are waiting for us" he said, and guided me with a hand low on my back.

His touch was... I don't even know how to explain it in words. The way he walked, he seemed oblivious to me internally freaking out.

I had hung out with so many guys, and they had put there hand there too, but this guy... His touch seemed electrical. Like sending shock all over my body. Those butterflies in my stomach were back. Urg... Stupid butterflies. Stupid stomach. Stupid him.


We reached the tents and I noticed that the fire was set up already. Great. Also, everybody was sitting around it, on either wood logs, foldabe chairs, or blankets spread on the ground.

There were 2 places empty for me and Blake. Both were on a log, so we sat next to each other.

Everyone was smiling. It was like everyone knew hiw fail my plan had been. Blake had screemed loudly, so it was only strange if someone didn't know.

Everyone was looked at us, some smiled knowingly, some kindly, and continued talking whatever they were talking about. We both sat next to each other. It was now turning dark.

George stood up and brought us all a bottle of beer and we continued chatting, drinking sips in between.

We all continued talking untill Justin suggested we'd do something else. Oh Justin, why do you open your mouth?

"Guys, how about a game of Truth or Dare?" he suggested.

Well, I wasn't against that idea completely now.

So let the fun begin.

A/N: We like Truth or Dare unless it ends up on us and we have to choose. With a bottle in hand, why not? Let's see what happens in the game. Keep reading and don't forget to vote. Your votes encourage me to write. All comments and suggestions accepted.


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