Tents ( 19 )

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"No..." I screamed.

For Justin, fun was everything not fun for me. Actually, trouble. Last time he had said the same thing, we had ended up in a swimming pool at midnight, in winter. We were literally freezing, all because his calculus teacher gave him a detention. So here's what had happened...

Justin had got a detention for not attending the class 3 times a week, and he'd gotten shit pissed at Mrs. Catherva. Not that I like her. So yeah, he said it would be fun to paint her car hot pink mixed with emerald green. And the worst part was that her husband came while we were on work. She being a teacher, asked us to jump in the pool and stay in there for the next 40 minutes.

And now again, he has gotten an idea which is fun...

Which was basically stripping yourself and jumping in the freezing water before putting up the tent or wearing our swimwear.

No... Before I could protest and put some sense in that dumb brain of his, he had jumped into the water, leaving everything except his underwear on. Wait...  He had his swimwear on. Brainy.

"What the hell!" I half screemed. "No, no, no. None of us are getting in without putting up the tent and deciding who is sleeping where." I continued.

"Okay, so let's get this straight. Me and Danny, um... I mean, Daniel will share a tent. Wait, I mean, can we?" asked Cindy, looking nervous. God! What's going on between those two? Are they together???

"Okay... Would you two put up your tent then?" I asked, insure of what else to do, ignoring Justin and his protests to put up his own tent. I wonder how Rose puts up with him.

"Fine by me." and with that, they take a leave.

George and Ryan pair up not much later, and so do Justin and Rose. That left me with Blake and Nico.

"Why to be the third wheel?  I'll go with Ryan" Nico winks and goes away, before either of us could object.

"Now what?" I asked, defeatedly.

"We are together, I guess. Let's go and put up our tent." with that, we leave too.

A/N: SORRY...  I know I didn't update for more than 2 weeks and left off a cliff hanger. I know such a short chapter is no excuse of an update. I had gone to a vacation/holiday and before that, I had to complete my studies I knew I would miss. SORRY... Keep reading and don't forget to vote. Your votes encourage me to write.


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